
Hotel Customer Put a Philadelphia Business On Blast After She Found Holes In The Walls Of Her Room

Source: TikTok/@alexxaanicole

This TikTok reminds me of the horror movie Vacancy…

And if you’ve seen that flick before, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

A woman named Alexa posted a video on TikTok and showed viewers what happened to her when she conducted a close inspection of her hotel in Philadelphia.

The woman said, “I hate Philadelphia. Wanna know why? I thought this was a nice little hotel.”

Alexa noticed holes in the wall of her room and said, “I was just sitting over there, and then I noticed: That’s an odd hole. That’s odd cause there’s tissue paper in it.”

She then noticed even more holes and said, “Oh wait, it gets ******* better.”

Alexa noticed six holes and explained, “So I just called down, and they’re like, ‘No, no, no, it’s a part of the rustic vibe.'”

She also said that the manager of the hotel said they thought Alexa was the person who stuck tissue paper into the holes in the wall.


Check out the video.


♬ original sound – Alexa Rich

Alexa posted a follow-up video and said that she found ANOTHER hole in the second hotel room where she stayed.


♬ original sound – Alexa Rich

And here’s what folks had to say on TikTok.

This viewer said what a lot of us are thinking.

Another individual has been there…

And this TikTok user was shocked.

This sounds like the beginning of a horror movie…

If you liked that story, check orut this one about a 72-year-old woman was told by her life insurance company that her policy was worthless because she’d paid for 40 years. 🙁

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