
Insensitive Father Claimed His Newborn Granddaughter Looked Like Her Stepmother, So His Daughter Took The Baby And Walked Out

Source: Reddit/AITA/pexels/Sunvani Hoàng

Some moments in life can be really daunting and almost points where everything changes.

Missing parents in those moments is human nature.

This girl had a baby and obviously missed having her mother there.

Her dad was completely insensitive to the matter, so what could she do but leave?

Find out what happened!

AITA for following my niece and leaving my brothers house after she unloaded on my brother and SIL?

This is something that happened only a few days ago.

My niece Ciara (24f) had a baby two and a half weeks ago.

She and her partner decided they didn’t want anyone at the hospital and would handle visits when things settled a bit.

Things were going well until…

Her dad and stepmom offered to host any family on her paternal side she wanted to have meet the baby and she agreed and I was invited.

During the visit my brother was holding Ciara’s baby and he told SIL, who is step grandma, that their first grandchild looks just like her and that Ciara’s child was a mini-SIL.

She didn’t want the kid to be associated with the stepmom

Ciara told her dad not to say that.

He told her it was true and should be proud.

SIL asked her why that offends her so much, after all she is grandma and these things can happen. Ciara said she’s step. She’s a stepmom, a stepgrandma.

She is not biologically related to her or her child and both of them need to accept that and stop trying to force this idea that they (Ciara, her child but also Ciara’s full siblings) look like SIL.

The dad spoke up…

My brother told her to calm down and stop acting hormonal and like there’s something wrong with finding familiar features in family.

Ciara took her baby off my brother and passed the baby to her partner.

Then she told them SIL is not her real family, is not her real mom, is not who she looks like.

She told them she has always looked just like her mom and so does her baby.

She told them she had warned them they were going to stop acting like SIL was her actual mom and the actual grandma or she would walk.

And she did.

She wasn’t having it anymore!

She told them she was done.

I followed Ciara out which angered my brother and SIL. I soothed Ciara and reassured her that we haven’t all forgotten her mom.

Once I got home I realized the anger my brother and SIL held toward me for leaving too because I had several texts.

Everyone was mad at her for supporting Ciara.

They told me I had defended Ciara being unreasonably nasty to them and especially to SIL and I should have stayed to support them instead of Ciara.

My brother was widowed young, Ciara was the oldest at 7, her siblings were 4 and 2.

My brother remarried 18 months after his first wife died. He’d known SIL six months at the time.

It was very fast for Ciara but the marriage also started because my brother wanted the kids to have a mom, which is something Ciara never liked.

She has never cared for SIL but learned to tolerate her over time.

They always disregarded the dead wife.

But my brother and SIL do like to talk as though SIL birthed the three original kids which I mentioned before wasn’t right because their mom still deserved to be recognized.

I was ignored however. And to clarify what I mean by that.

She only wanted the best for the niece.

SIL and my brother will say the kids look just like SIL when all three favor their mom heavily, or they’ll claim “they” have saved for the kids since birth, they also describe Ciara as their first born child.

Comments of that nature are very common from them.

That must have been hurtful for Ciara! Glad she has a sweet Aunt!

Let’s find out if the Reddit community differs.

This user is right! This girl did the right thing by supporting the niece.

This person knows this girl is the only logical one.

This is a reality check! The parents are delusional!

This person supports this girl all the way for respecting boundaries.

This user blames the brother for being a bad dad.

The commentators are clearly with this girl for supporting her niece!

Her father and stepmother are delusional.

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