
Driver Waits To Steal Their Shoveled Parking Spot, But The Shoveler Has The Last Laugh By Leaving Them Cold

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Pexels/Samer Daboul

Shoveling out a parking spot after a snowstorm can be exhausting, especially after the snow plow has made its way up the street.

So, what would you do if someone waited for you to finish digging out your car just to take your spot?

In the following story, someone finds themselves in this exact scenario and decides not today.

Here’s what happened.

Try and take my shoveled out parking spot? Think again

Monday night, we got about a foot of snow.

This is a bit unusual for this area, so most people didn’t go into work on Tuesday.

This means street parking is nearly full with unmoved cars covered in snow.

Yesterday afternoon, I headed out to pick up a few things.

Shoveling out my car from the street parking spot probably took about 15 minutes, because it takes a little while to move the 3,000 or so pounds of snow off and from around my car and dig a path through the snowplows’ mess.

They didn’t expect a woman to be waiting for the parking spot.

The whole time I have been shoveling snow from around my car, there has been a lady waiting to take my parking spot.

While there are maybe 2 or 3 empty spots on the street, all are filled with snow.

So I do what I must.

I put the snow shovel in my trunk and head back inside.

Too funny! The lady probably didn’t expect this to happen.

Let’s check out what Reddit readers had to say about it.

This person gets it.

What a funny thought.

Apparently, this person forgot it’s supposed to be petty revenge.

Again, someone who missed the point.

They had the right idea!

Why do all that work just to hand the spot over to someone who didn’t lift a finger?

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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