
New Homeowners Want To Create A More Private Backyard To Get Away From Chatty Neighbors, But They’re Afraid Of Making Waves In The Neighborhood

Source: Getty/Madrolly, Reddit/AITA

Adjusting to life in a new neighborhood can be a tricky blend between making connections and finding your own space.

As a couple attempts to create a more private backyard oasis, they worry their desire for solitude might lead to unintended tensions with their neighbors.

Read on for all the details.

WIBTA for planting trees to block out my friendly neighbors?

I’m going to word this one in a very frank way without trying to make myself sound better or anything.

My girlfriend and I just bought our first house in a quiet neighborhood where the houses are very close together and most of the people living there don’t seem to mind it at all.

At first, the couple did their best to blend seamlessly into the neighborhood.

We made a point so say hello to all of our new neighbors and build a friendly rapport – this is our first house and we really want to be good neighbors.

The neighbors welcomed the couple with open arms.

Our neighbors on both sides turned out to be really nice! We get along well and talk often.

They both offer to help us move and give us advice and tips for places to eat around here – all that stuff. Offer to have us over for BBQs. They’re nice people.

Anyways, the fences on both sides of our backyard are very short, about 4 feet tall.

The neighbors seem to value the closeness of the neighborhood.

During one of our conversations, one of the neighbors mentioned that she was offended, maybe even a little mad, that the person the other side of her backyard put up a taller privacy fence.

Here’s the thing: I like our neighbors, but they are always in their backyards.

But the couple isn’t so sure they’re fully on board.

I just want to be able to hang out in peace without having to act a certain way and say hello and talk to my neighbors for 15 minutes every time I go out there.

I want our backyard to be a private space for us to hang out and do our thing. Maybe I wanna act a little weird without being self conscious.

So they come up with a plan that may just be subtle enough to work.

That said, I want to plant lots of bushes and trees along the outside of the backyard to get some privacy.

I believe I’m the first person to do this.

If you were a cynic, you might be inclined to call it “blocking them out.”

I’d still invite them to BBQs and talk to them when I see them, but I do want to be able to hang out in my backyard without them.


That sounds like a reasonable need.

What did Reddit have to say?

This homeowner should be empowered to do what’s best for them.

There are lots of ways to diffuse any tension.

Everyone is entitled to some privacy.

This redditor suggests a good alternative for more peace and quiet.

Creating some privacy in their backyard might ruffle feathers, but personal space is priceless.

Some people just value their privacy more than others.

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