
New Mom Celebrates A Baby Gift On Social Media, Angering Her Jealous Stepfamily Who Didn’t Receive The Same

Source: Canva/ Konstantin Postumitenko from Prostock-studios, Reddit/AITA

As a new parent, there’s nothing better than finally bringing home your little bundle of joy.

That is, until social media ruins everything, as always.

This new mom caught the ire of her jealous relatives, who said showcasing her generous maternity gifts was insensitive to moms who weren’t so lucky to receive one.

She’s left torn between holding her ground or caving to the pressure.

Read on for the full story.

AITA for posting about my gift “maternity box” on social media when my stepsister never got one for her son?

I recently had my first child.

When we were discharged, the hospital sent us home with a “baby box.”

It was a cute little box that can double as a bed and came with a mattress, some baby clothes and other essentials.

This caught me off guard because I live in the US. I thought this was only a thing in Finland.

Turns out, the county I live in works with a charity that provides these boxes for all expecting moms.

I was pretty stoked about this, so I made a post on Instagram showing it off.

But the post wasn’t well received by certain people in her life.

My stepmom messaged me and told me I should take down the post a few days later. She said it was in bad taste because a lot of new moms don’t get this perk.

She pointed out that her daughter, my stepsister, has been very upset by this.

My stepsister did reach out, but her response was something like, “Wow, I had my son, all the hospital sent me was some maxi pads and a bill!”

The new mom had a good reason for posting about it.

I didn’t take down the post because I want to highlight the work that charity was doing.

Especially for women in my area who may not be aware of the baby boxes and could really need it.

But her jealous relatives didn’t care about her good intentions.

My stepsister sent me a DM telling me to take the post down.

She said it’s unfair she has to struggle with a special needs baby while the other moms can gloat about how being a new mom is awesome.

She said that she never got a free box or clothes or perfume like my cousin and everyone stopped caring one she had her son while me, my cousin and all our other relatives “get all the attention.”

The mom is at a loss, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Right now, I’m leaning towards keeping the post up. I don’t live in the same state as my stepfamily, but am aware of social programs designed to help parents with special needs kids.

That or my stepsister get help or get counseling. But maybe that’s not the best move.

I just need an outside opinion because the lack of sleep is affecting my judgement making.


What a way to dampen this new mom’s excitement.

Redditors chimed in with their perspectives.

Her relatives really shouldn’t let their envy get the best of them.

This redditor believes the onus is on her stepsister to regulate her own emotions instead of making other people feel bad.

The quality of healthcare varies widely from doctor to doctor.

Her relatives should really look inward.

This mom shouldn’t let the joy of new motherhood or the kindness of the charity go to waste because of her relatives’ behavior.

When experiencing jealousy, sometimes it’s best to look inward.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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