
Rude Driver Put Their Flashers On And Wouldn’t Move Their Truck After Blocking The Road, So They Responded by Doing The Same Thing To Them

Source: Reddit

Bad drivers are EVERYWHERE!

And sometimes these rascals need to be put in check

Like this person did!

Take a look at how they handled a real JERK on the road.

Putting your cars flashers on entitles you to block all traffic – I don’t think so.

“So driving down my parents’ back lane to pick up my two daughters, 20 feet from my parents driveway a truck is sitting with its flashers on sitting in the middle of the back lane, blocking the whole road.

I sit for a bit waiting for her to move and the lady yells at me, “I have my flashers on, I’m going to be 10 minutes, go around the block.”

Hmmm, really?

I would have had to pull a U-turn in a back lane, drive 500 feet, take two left turns, drive 600 feet, two more left turn 100 more feet to get into the parking spot that was now 20 feet away from me.

The two ladies in the truck were unloading groceries from the back of the truck at a very cumbersome pace. So I respond “can you pull ahead 20 feet or pull into the empty driveway (yes they had a spot they could have pulled in too) to let me pass?”

To which she responds “no, my flashers are on I have 10 minutes to unload.”

Two can play at that game!

So I was having none of this nonsense so I turn my car off, put my flashers on, go to my parents, get my moms keys, reverse her car into the back lane, and put her flashers on. I now have my vehicle and my moms vehicle blocking them in.

They are finishing their unloading of groceries and start to go off on me saying they will call a tow truck and so on, and several other verbal abuses, to which I respond, “My flashers are on, I’ll only be 10 minutes.”

I moved the car 5 minutes later, the people in question were not amused.”

Let’s see what folks had to say about this story.

This person chimed in.

Another individual shared their thoughts.

This individual shared their thoughts.

This person had a lot to say.

Another reader chimed in.

Right back at ya, lady!

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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