
She And Her Friend Politely Asked A Boozy Couple To Not Block Their View, But When They Ignored Them She Blocked Their Access To Their Belongings

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Canva

It is an unspoken rule in concerts, musical festivals, and other public gatherings to be polite and considerate of other people around you.

So when a drunk couple blocked this woman’s friend’s view and kept arguing in front of them, they had to do something about it.

Read on to find out their petty revenge.

Block my friend’s view? I’ll block access to your sweater

This literally happened last week at a large European festival.

Right before the main headliner of the night was playing, a thunderstorm erupted, and rain began pouring down.

As we were quite keen to see this music act, my friend and I took shelter under a tent entrance.

My friend stood right at the front of the entrance as she is very petite.

Suddenly, here comes a drunk couple, blocking their view.

A drunk couple using a fully red and not seethrough waterproof draped over the both of them came staggering over.

They stood right in front of my mate, completely blocking her view.

We both politely asked them to move as they had a waterproof and could stand anywhere without getting wet.

We were not only ignored, but they openly kept raising their arms even higher to prevent any kind of view.

But then, an opportunity came for petty revenge.

We were both quite frustrated at this turn of events, considering this music act was one of the reasons we’d come to the festival in the first place.

And instead of watching it, we got to see the drunken couple either having a make out session or arguing in their language.

All of a sudden, the woman walked away from her partner and threw his sweater at him.

The sweater fell to the floor, but the man was too drunk to notice, and just swayed in his spot.

The woman and her friend enjoyed the music festival once again.

In a moment of utter pettiness, I quickly reached down and grabbed his sweater, pushing it behind me into a puddle.

He didn’t notice at all. and staggered off after his partner.

I do hope he didn’t get too cold after that storm, but we definitely enjoyed the rest of the set much more after that.

Let’s find out how other users reacted to this story.

This user shares their opinion.

Indeed! And wet.

Well done, says this one.

Here’s another idea though.

Finally, this user says don’t sweat it (pun intended).

One drunken mistake can lead to a petty outcome.

It’s probably best to just be nice.

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.

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