
The Homebuyers Arrived Earlier Than The Scheduled Time And Disturbed His Family, So This Man Carried Out A Petty And Inconvenient Revenge Before Moving Out

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge/Canva

Some home buyers can be very excited to move into their new house. Who could blame them, right?

But in this story, the buyer arrived way earlier than the scheduled time, disturbing the previous owners while they were showering and eating their meals.

Check out the full story below!

Petty revenge home sale

When my parents retired, they moved a few thousand kilometres away.

The sale went well. The final walk through was supposed to be at 4 pm on a particular day.

Growing up in the burbs, we never locked our doors.

The buyer arrived very early that day.

The days before the walk through, I helped my parents pack a few things, but the movers did most of the packing the day before.

The only things left unpacked were my parents’ bed and a couple of suitcases for their drive to their new place.

8 am on the occupancy day, the buyer walks into my parents’ home while they’re getting ready to leave.

My mother was in the shower and dad was eating breakfast.

His dad had threatened the person to leave.

Dad, a big guy, had confronted the guy, and said he’d beat him if he didn’t leave right now.

The realtor was absolutely no help.

Naturally, my parents freaked out and called me a bit later.

This man thought of a petty comeback.

So, I did what any 22-year-old jerk would.

I removed every light fixture and left them on the living room floor.

I had removed every light bulb and left them around the house, even a couple in the heat vents.

I removed every switch plate and left them in the kitchen sink. The little screws they use were sprinkled around the house.

And here’s more…

I peeled off every sticker on the electrical breaker panel so you couldn’t read which breaker fed which room.

I took the TV antenna rotor (it’s the thing that turned the tv antenna on the roof, allowing you to tune in different stations).

It wasn’t in the sale contract.

I removed the dishwasher, turned off the water to it, and put it back in.

I removed all the doorknobs and tossed them all into the crawlspace.

Technically, they didn’t break anything.

The buyer tried to back out, but my dad said go ahead, I’ll call the police about you breaking and entering this morning.

And technically, nothing has been damaged or removed.

Good luck with that. They got the check at 4:00 as scheduled from the notary.

Petty indeed. Let’s check out what other people have to say.

This user says they deserved it.

This one says they did a similar thing.

This user was wondering about the dad’s anger.

This one is impressed.

Meanwhile, this user says it was a stupid move.

Moral of the story: Arriving too early and not knocking can get you into trouble.

It could be more trouble than it’s worth.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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