
Their Boss Wanted Them To Call Every Time An Alarm Sounded, So They Did Exactly What They Were Told. After A Night Of No Sleep, The Boss Changed The Policy.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance/Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

When you have a job, you expect to follow the rules set down by your employer (within reason, of course).

Even when you think the rules are idiotic and make no sense.

This employee had enough of following those kinds of rules, though, and quietly rebelled by doing exactly what they were told.

Check out the details below!

I had my employees call and wake up my boss every 15 minutes…

I supervised a glass manufacturing department. One night, we had an issue with a thermocouple that controls the temperature of the glass.

Because it was creating nuisance alarms, the operator disconnected it and forgot to notify the next shift to monitor it manually.

We lost control of the furnace for a couple of hours and scrapped product.

The plant manager came in that morning screaming and ripped the entire staff a new one.

It’s frustrating they lost the product, but do the employees deserve to be screamed at?

We were trying to explain that the thermocouple needed to be fixed, but instead he continued to yell at us, tell us we were idiots and told us to monitor it and notify him every time it went into alarm, or else he would fire us.

To further reprimand us, he insisted that we call him at home in the evening every time that temperature went into alarm, so he could ensure we were doing our jobs.

This rule seems annoying not just for the staff but…for the boss.

What he did not know, and what we knew was that the alarm for the broken thermocouple happened about every 15 minutes.

My operator was worried and asked me what he should do.

“Since the plant manager was so insistent,” I told the operator to “wait until AFTER midnight, then call and inform him EVERY time it happened according to HIS direct request.”

This boss did not sleep — I’m calling it.

The Plant Manager came into work the next morning very bleary-eyed, and sheepishly told us that we did not have to do that again.

He finally listened to us, and we got the problem fixed.

That was an interesting tactic in creating a better workplace.

What does Reddit have to say about it all?

The praise was apparent from the jump.

And it’s not Reddit without some puns.

Another commenter even mentioned great advice a previous supervisor had given them about rules.

And finally, a reader marveled at the fact that bosses can act like this in the first place.

If this boss wants his staff to respect him, he must start respecting them first.

At least he relented in the end.

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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