
Neighbor Always Leaves The Back Door Open And Forgets To Bring Her Key, But Relies On Him To Open It Up. So The Next Time It Happened He Left Her And Her Dog Out In The Dark.

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/MART PRODUCTION

Dealing with rude neighbors can be tricky, especially when they continually disregard what you tell them.

So, what would you do if a neighbor kept ignoring the rules and expecting you to let them in the building?

Would you continue helping them? Or would you let them sit outside and learn a lesson?

In the following story, one person finds themselves in this very situation and wonders if they’re wrong for not helping.

Let’s take a look!

AITA because I am intentionally not letting my neighbour in, causing her and her dog to sit outside in the dark?

I live in an apartment block – to access the property after 8pm you must carry your front door key with you, we were all told this prior to moving in.

A tenant has moved in downstairs and she leaves the back door unlocked to allow herself to come and go without taking her key.

She isn’t supposed to do this, and she has been told multiple times to take her front door key in case the door locks which she has ignored.

He tried to draw the line with her.

She has started treating me like a literal doorman – knocking loudly on my windows and repeatedly buzzing my apartment to try to get me to open the door for her.

It is daily and it riles up my dog every time – and it always occurs after 9pm.

I have let her in twice in good faith, then told her the third time to take her key and that I will no longer be answering.

She decided to go out with her dog this evening and again didn’t bother to take her key.

Here’s where she got super rude.

That’s when she started buzzing and knocking on my windows loudly.

I shut off my buzzer, gave my dog a treat, and closed the doors, deciding to ignore her and continue watching my movie instead.

It’s dark out at the moment, late, and she’s outside by herself with her dog, she’s been out there for about 45 minutes, and we also live in a shady area – not dangerous but definitely not pleasant at night.

She has sat outside on the doorstep on her phone, angrily ranting about me to her friends – like I’m her DAD.

I don’t know this woman aside from her treating me like a concierge.


Yikes! Sounds like someone needs to start carrying their key.

Let’s see what the fine folks over at Reddit have to say about this issue.

Here are some great thoughts.

This person thinks he should call the cops rather than help her.

According to this person, she needs to take responsibility for her actions.

Yet another person who thinks he should call the cops on her from now on.

That lady is something else!

She needs to bring her key and stop relying on her neighbor to let her in.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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