
Neighbors Won’t Keep Their Stuff Out Of The Hallway, So They Got Tired Of It And Made Them Have To Walk To Get Things Back

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

One of my biggest pet peeves in life is people who don’t clean up after themselves…or their kids.

It drives me up the wall!

And that’s why this revenge story on Reddit brought a smile to my face…

Read on and get all the details!

Revenge on my neighbors for not keeping the floor common area clean.

“I live in an apartment complex and recently a new family moved in.

We have a pretty narrow hallway, just wide enough for 2 people to walk together, now these people have 2 children, both of them throw their shoes randomly in the hallway.

This would drive me INSANE.

I mostly just kick them, sometimes down the floor so that they keep the inconvenience of climbing down a flight of stairs to get them, the annoying part is they do the same with their bicycles.

Now these are the bulky ones with the training wheels, two of them, I’ve asked them to keep the cycles inside their house and it’s a fire hazard too.

We live on the first floor and my family doesn’t actually have to cross the cycles or their house to get to the stairs, but I was annoyed regardless of that fact.

Time for these to go!

Now every time I see their cycles in the hallway, I carry them and keep them in their parking, which is about 5 minutes away but I enjoy being petty.

Could I have just warned them again? Yes.

Would they pay heed? No, plus its a lot more fun to see them having to get the cycles back.”

Reddit users shared their thoughts.

This person weighed in.

This Reddit user had a lot to say.

Another person has an idea…

Another person offered some advice.

And this reader shared their thoughts.

People…please clean up after your kids…

The rest of us are begging you!

If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.

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