
Their Next Door Neighbors Won’t Stop Being Jerks, So They’re Gonna Light Up Their House With Tons Of Christmas Spirit

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@gautamkrishnan

Can’t we all just get along?

It’s a nice sentiment, but the answer when it comes to neighbors is sometimes a resounding NO.

Take a look at this story from Reddit and see what you think…

Need obnoxiously bright Xmas lights to bother neighbor.

“I’m looking for obnoxiously bright Christmas lights to put on the side yard.

There’s a problem…

We have new neighbors that have multiple teens and young adults living with them that are total jerks.

Loud music in the backyard into the early morning, with subwoofers, constantly locking our driveway because they don’t want to park across the street (they have 8+ vehicles at their house), and so on and so on.

No apologies, they talk **** when we tell them we need to get our car out of the driveway.

So their backyard porch faces the side of our house, and they have a large glass sliding door and extra large window, with no blinds or curtains.

It’s just a narrow side yard facing them and I need to move stuff through it, so I can’t do large decorations – just a couple strings of lights along the roofline.

They’re gonna go all out.

So I need the most obnoxiously bright Christmas lights around, and hopefully cash flashing colorful ones.

I bought some “extra bright” LEDs from Home Depot and put them up, and it does light up their living room all night long, but I need brighter.

Think Chevy Chase’s Christmas Vacation type bright.

I’ll go with a second string, but I don’t have room for big displays – just a couple lines of Christmas lights.

Now I just need to figure out where I would get ridiculously bright ones. Like maybe something for businesses meant to be seen on the top of a skyscraper or something?”

Now check out what folks had to say on Reddit.

This reader had a lot to say.

Another Reddit user chimed in.

This person spoke up.

Another Reddit user chimed in.

And this Reddit user shared their thoughts.

I don’t think they’re gonna like this…

But maybe they should have thought about that beforehand.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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