
A Medical Billing Receptionist Reveals How Broken The Medicare System Is, And Found A Way To Help Patients Not Get Massively Overcharged For Basic Needs

Source: Reddit/maliciouscompliance/Pexels/MARTPRODUCTION

No matter where you live in the world, the world of medical billing and healthcare can feel like a never-ending problem.

This person has worked in the industry long enough to find creative ways to maliciously comply to the complexities.

Here’s all the details…

Don’t want to pay for a scan? That’s fine, you can just pay more instead.

So I’m a receptionist at a bulk billing radiology practice.

Radiology practices are where you get X-rays, CTs, ultrasounds, MRIs, and other associated medical scans done.

“Bulk billing,” in my country, means that the scan is charged to Medicare, meaning the patient pays nothing.

The great majority of our scans are bulk billed.

There’s only a few bulk billing practices left because Medicare funding increases by a couple of bucks every year, and inflation… does not.

Most of them have now gone private, but we still exist! I have no idea how!

Luckily, this lets her help patients as much as they can…

Most of the scans that aren’t bulk billed are, flat out, scans Medicare won’t pay a cent for.

The exception is pregnancy scans where they pay a fraction of what they pay for other ultrasounds, because the government desperately wants us all to have babies but not enough to actually do anything to make sure people have the money to do so.

For example, if a physiotherapist refers you, Medicare will only cover it if it’s a one or two region spine or a pelvis – and only if they’re X-rays.

Meanwhile, a doctor can write a referral for any part of the body and 99% of the time we bulk bill it.

This will be important later.

This is a bit baffling because to my knowledge, physiotherapists mostly work with muscles… pathologies of which are diagnosed with ultrasound, not X-ray.

Medicare doesn’t cover physiotherapist-referred ultrasound.

They just randomly got lumped in with their mortal enemies, chiropractors, when some random person set the standards for Medicare rebates.

Physiotherapists will also often have someone come in with a sports injury and be like “hey, I’m not sure this is muscular, I think this might be an actual break” and write a referral for, say, a hand x-ray.

This is where the malicious compliance comes in…

Now, full disclosure: physiotherapists are the bane of my life for unrelated reasons. But as you’re about to see, this just costs the government more in the long run.

So, every now and then we get patients coming in for that hand x-ray, and a physio wrote it.

If Medicare paid for it, it’d be $40-$50, split between twenty million taxpayers.

But… oh no! I’m so sorry! Medicare won’t pay for it because it’s a physiotherapist referral!

So why don’t you hop right next door to the walk in bulk billing GP, who can rewrite your referral to Medicare standards, thereby costing Medicare $40 for your GP appointment and THEN the $40-$50 for the x-ray, and we’ll just CC your physio in for the report? :))))

Let’s see what Reddit users think…

This person has had similar experience and is in full support.

Another commenter thinks the whole industry needs reform!

And this Reddit user has all the respect for her and other receptionists.

Here’s to the real heroes in medical billing!

Stick it to the man!

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.

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