
Woman Couldn’t Take Her Neighbors Blasting Loud Music In The Middle Of The Night, So She Did Her Best To Turn The Tables

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

We all have encountered a rude neighbor who’s very inconsiderate when it comes to playing loud music.

This woman couldn’t take it anymore so she devised a genius plan, and gave her neighbor a taste of their own medicine.

Read the story below for the details!

Neighbor kept me up with her music all night

We lived in a super crappy apartment with paper thin walls, and shared a bedroom wall with my neighbor.

She was well aware of how thin the walls were because one time, she sneezed and I said, “Bless you,” and I heard her laugh.

These walls were so thin, I could hear her phone vibrate.

This woman was annoyed with the loud music of her neighbor.

So, one night, she’s blasting some lame Chris Brown song on repeat for HOURS, and into the wee hours of the morning.

My husband (boyfriend at the time) and I had to work the next morning, and obviously couldn’t sleep.

I knocked on the wall a couple times, but I guess she couldn’t hear me, or didn’t give a crap.

So she devised a plan to get back at her.

So, I started formulating a plan.

I charged up my MP3 player and tried to get what little sleep I could.

The next morning, I put my plan into action.

I knew she didn’t work and would most definitely be sleeping in.

She played an annoying song on repeat while she went out for work.

I plugged my MP3 player into my speakers, and put them right next to the wall and put 500 Miles by The Proclaimers on repeat.

It was the most annoying song I could think of at that moment.

Then my husband and I walked out the door.

When she got back, she saw how exasperated her neighbor was.

When I got off work, I had almost forgotten what I’d done until I saw her sitting on her porch.

As I walked up, she shot me such a dirty look, but I just smiled back and walked inside.

The music was still playing.

And the loud music never happened again.

From that point on, she never did that again.

Mission accomplished!

That was satisfying.

Let’s see what other people have to say about this story.

A fan of 500 Miles shares their thoughts.

This is so true on so many levels.

Here’s another annoying suggestion.

Salute your petty revenge, says this one.

Yes, it is!

She might have forgotten the golden rule.

But she did get her point across.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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