
Woman Refused To Buy Her Bridesmaid Dress Early Because She’s Trying To Lose Weight, But Her Family Thinks She’s Being Selfish

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

A wedding is the most special day for most brides, and it’s understandable that they want everything to be perfect and prepared early on.

This woman has been on a weight loss journey and wants to wait, but her sister (the bride) is worried the dress will be sold out.

Check out the full story below!

AITA for refusing to buy a bridesmaid’s dress until I get closer to my goal weight?

My (28F) sister “Bri” (29F) is getting married a year from now.

Recently, she reached out to ask me to be a bridesmaid.

I was surprised because Bri and I aren’t super close, but I was happy to be a part of her special day.

Bri asked her bridesmaids to buy their own dresses.

I used to be extremely overweight, and last year, I decided to take control of my health and lost 75 pounds.

I’m much happier and healthier than I was, but I’d still like to lose another 60.

This became complicated when Bri sent us a link to the dress she wanted us to buy.

I’ve never been a bridesmaid, but apparently it is common for brides to ask their bridesmaids to buy their own dress.

She told Bri she is trying to lose more weight and plans to postpone buying the dress.

Still, the dress she requested costed $300, which seemed pricey to me.

Bri has asked us to order the dress within a couple of weeks, as it’s popular, and she’s worried it will sell out.

I called Bri and told her I am on a weight loss journey, and I’m not buying clothes until I get closer to my goal weight unless they’re from Goodwill or Walmart or something.

Bri got upset, but she tried to explain her side more.

Bri seemed really upset by this.

She asked if I could just purchase the size I am now and have it be loose at the wedding.

I told her I plan on being almost 60 pounds lighter by the wedding, so the dress won’t be loose, it will literally fall off.

Bri asked then if I could slow down my weight loss until after the wedding, so the dress would fit.

I told her absolutely not. I feel amazing and I’m already losing at a slow and steady pace.

She also suggested three possible solutions to the problem.

I presented Bri with three solutions:

1. I can wait to buy the dress until closer to the wedding, as I requested

2. She can buy me the dress now with her money

3. I drop out of the bridal party, since she probably has people she’s closer with than me anyway.

Bri told her that she is ruining her big day.

Bri did not seem keen on any of these options, even removing me from the bridal party.

She told me I was ruining her big day and that it’s about her, not me.

So why does it matter if I wear a dress that’s a little loose?

Now, their mother is telling her how selfish she is.

I hung up after that to give Bri some time to cool off.

But then, I got a call from my mother telling me what a horrible sister I was, and how selfish I was for not just ordering the bridesmaid’s dress.

She reiterated how it’s Bri’s day, not mine, and when I have my own wedding, I can do things exactly how I want.

Her justification is that she wants to look good and presentable.

To be truthful, I am finally starting to feel confident and to like how I look.

Before I started losing weight, I wouldn’t have cared if I wore a too-loose dress, because I was “fat and ugly” anyway.

Now, even though I only buy dirt-cheap clothes, I make sure to buy clothes that flatter me and accentuate my curves.

I put a lot more effort into hair, makeup, and overall presentation.

Now, she’s wondering if she really is a selfish jerk in this situation.

So yes, even though it is not my wedding, this will probably be the first formal event I go to after having lost weight, and I know lots of pictures will be taken.

I want to look my best for these photos, because I know I will look back on them and remember how hard I worked to get there.

Does this make me a selfish AH?

Ooh, that’s some family drama right there.

Let’s find out what other people have to say about this story.

This user says she’s being a huge pain.

This one says the wedding isn’t about her.

Meanwhile, this one suggests dropping out of the wedding party.

Someone who went on a weight loss journey speaks up.

Finally, another user thinks she’s better as a guest.

Stop making it all about you, dear.

That’s not how weddings work.

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