
Woman Was Told To Strictly Adhere To Company’s Time Policy, So She Did And Gained Extra 4 Minutes Of Paid Time Daily

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance/Canva

Some companies can be very strict about monitoring their employee’s time and attendance, even tracking the exact minutes they clocked in and out of the office.

In this story, when the higher-ups reminded their employees to adhere strictly to the company’s attendance policy, this woman read the employee handbook.

She discovered new rules to follow, which led to additional paid time for her.

Check out the full details below.

Please make sure you’re adhering to the employee handbook guidelines on clocking in and out

I work Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.

I am an hourly employee, and my company’s time clocking is not rounded.

Meaning, we are effectively getting paid by the minute.

Here’s what their usual schedule is.

I usually clock in at 7:20 because it does give me a bit of easy overtime pay, and it allows me a few quiet minutes in the morning to check some emails while enjoying my coffee.

A few of my other coworkers clock in early every day, too, between 10 and 15 minutes.

Our manager doesn’t mind because we are a productive and reliable team.

We all clock out at 4:00 on the dot, unless we are held up by a meeting or some other obligation.

The higher-ups said employees must adhere to the company’s time policy.

Well, we had a staff meeting on Friday, and our supervisor mentioned that the higher ups are starting to watch OT and people’s clocking times.

They said to please ensure all is adhering to the company’s time and attendance policies, and to review the employee handbook for further information.

So I reviewed the handbook.

This woman discovered something from the handbook and complied to it.

The policy states that employees are to punch in no sooner than 7 minutes prior to their start time.

Fair enough, I will clock in at 7:23 then.

I continue reading, and learn that employees may clock out up to 7 minutes after their scheduled end time without violating the time and attendance policy.

So now instead of 7:20-4:00 PM, I will be clocking in at 7:23 and out at 4:07, giving myself 4 additional minutes of additional time every day.

Let’s see how other people reacted to this story.

This user calculated her additional annual pay.

People are loving it.

This one is impressed.

Good point from this user.

Kudos to the employee!

She’s got her eyes on the prize!

This is impressively petty.

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