
Cell Phone User Got A Number That Kept Getting Annoying Texts From Women, So They Got Sick Of Explaining And Just Sent Them To The Guy’s House

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@tsbcreative

Wrong number stories sure can go off the rails, huh?

Most of the time, it’s an innocent, one-and-done situation, but this person got hassled until they decided they couldn’t take it anymore.

Take a look at how they handled this situation.

High school hockey player who was former owner of my phone number continues to give it out to high school girls.

“It’s 2012 and I got a new phone & phone number…which goes ok for about a day.

Uh oh…

Apparently, my phone number used to belong to a high school hockey player in the area who was also quite the ladies man.

It was a spicy text or two at first, and then pocket dials from the kid’s mom – not only had he gotten rid of the number that I had just gotten, but literally everyone was still trying to contact him at his old number.

This sounds annoying.

And then I realized the kid was giving out his old number to girls he went to school with at the time.

Like, a lot of girls.

I was getting a random number of girls texting daily, some saying some fairly wild stuff, and they wouldn’t take no for an answer when I told them I’m not the guy, repeatedly.

So, hockey player is continuing to give out my number to girls he goes to school with, and apparently all of these girls know exactly who he is and are very hot for him and so happy to get his number.

He is very definitely playing what seems like dozens of girls over a very short period of time…

…screw this guy.

They finally had enough.

One day I start getting texts and it’s two completely new girls, numbers I haven’t seen yet, but definitely talking like he’s got them both all worked up for who the hell knows what.

So I tell them to come over. Tonight.

Do I give them an address?

He was in for a surprise!

No. Just “come over to my place, be there at 6 pm”

Where did they go?

I have no idea. They both seemed to know the address already, though.

I didn’t hear from anyone after that.”

Here’s what Reddit users had to say.

This person shared their thoughts.

Another individual weighed in.

This Reddit user weighed in.

This individual spoke up.

And another person had a story to tell.

He was in for an unpleasant surprise!

Serves him right.

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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