
Annoying Employee Claimed That Her Work Laptop Only Had Glitches, But The Laptop Was Clearly Broken. So She Made Sure Everyone Believed Her Version Of Events.

Source: Reddit/Petty revenge/Pexels/ Clara NGO

There’s nothing worse than someone at work thinking they know more than you do about something you deal with every day.

This woman’s computer wasn’t working, but a coworker got her request for a new machine denied by sticking his nose in her business.

She figured out a way to make him look inept and get a new machine in the process.

Check out the full story!

Deny my new machine? Meet honey badger

As a minority female working in oil and gas IT for 20+ years, let’s just say my reaction for mansplaining is more like a honey badger than the sweet little girl these white boys think I am.

My work laptop is broken, it has been since the day I received it, but I can restart/ reinstall apps and/or tolerate it mostly.

She is so done with her broken laptop!

I am a remote worker, so my biggest beef is with MS Teams constantly failing.

Recently, I got assigned to a big project, and my issues were noticed by some important people, so they expedited my ticket and I was on my way to a new machine, hurray!

This man didn’t want the girl to have a new machine!

Cue “Rick”, self-proclaimed expert on MS Teams, who not only axed my new laptop, but decided to call me for an hour mansplaining how all my issues are caused by lag/ internet.

Honey badger mode activated.

She knew how to get what she wanted.

First, I started reinstalling all my company approved apps at least 3 times per week, even if they are not broken just to show it on logs.

Then, I started submitting a Service-less Desk EVERY SINGLE TIME there is the slightest bit of issue, prompting SD to have to spend at least 4-5 working hours a week trying to troubleshoot the same issues.

Lastly, remember that big important project I got assigned to?

That’s not it! She had a lot of petty ideas!

I started hard-rebooting my machine during important calls, just to make it look like my machine had crashed.

I also faked MS Teams failure, and will use my mobile to attend key meetings and asking my teammates to share their screen instead.

Just to make it super petty, I will mouth my words and not make a sound so people thought I lost audio again.

This was her final blow!

When leaders ask me if I had contacted SD, I would innocently say “but Rick said this was lag.”

“Rick” called, said they are skipping all steps and issuing me a new machine without me needing to submit a ticket.

He apologized for all my inconveniences, and said that just to assure I won’t have any bad experiences going further, I will be placed on a premium license that is usually reserved for senior staff.

Rick new he messed up!

I ended the call with “Rick” by asking in my sweetest voice possible: “So it is not lag after all?”

“No, it is not.” Rick said.

Thank you Rick.

She dealt with it like a real boss lady!

Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.

This woman knows how to get things done.

This person shares their own experience and knows how bad it can get.

This user loves the term!

That was a funny one! This user loves the mischievousness.

This user likes the girl!

Everyone supports some petty revenge when it comes to teaching people a lesson!

Even if it does sound like her machine wasn’t all that broken after all.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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