
Annoying Neighbor Decided To Ruin This Couple’s Getaway Trip By Asking The Girlfriend To Babysit Their Cats, So The Boyfriend Yelled At Them For Putting Them In An Awkward Situation

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/ Tranmautritam

Some people would conspire to ruin things for you, while others could unintentionally end up doing that.

The tricky part is when you’re unsure which is which.

Check out the full story!

AITA for confronting my neighbor after they asked my girlfriend to watch their cats despite knowing I had planned a surprise getaway?

I (30M) had planned a surprise weekend getaway for my girlfriend (28F). I was excited because I had booked everything in advance and kept it a secret for weeks.

He disclosed his plans to his neighbor!

A couple of days before the trip, I casually mentioned to my neighbor (35F) that I had planned something special for the weekend and my girlfriend would be out of town.

The neighbor didn’t say much, just kind of nodded, and I didn’t think much of it.

The neighbor messed up the trip for this guy.

Later that day, my neighbor asked my girlfriend if she was busy over the weekend and if she could look after their cats while they went away.

My girlfriend, being the nice person she is, agreed without hesitation, assuming she didn’t have any plans.

Fast forward to the weekend, I finally reveal the surprise trip to my girlfriend, and she’s thrilled.

But then she remembers she agreed to look after the neighbor’s cats.

His girlfriends refuses to give up on her word and is inclined towards helping the neighbor.

He apologizes, and now we’re stuck because she feels bad backing out of the commitment.

I was furious because I had already told the neighbor about the surprise weekend. They knew we were going away but still asked her to do them a favor.

He made things worse!

I confronted the neighbor and ended up shouting at them for putting my girlfriend in an awkward situation when they knew we had plans.

Now, my girlfriend thinks I overreacted, and the neighbor is upset with me for being rude.

He is wondering if he went overboard.

I feel like I was justified because I had planned this special weekend, and it got ruined.

But now I’m second-guessing myself.


Why couldn’t the neighbor ask someone else to babysit the cats?

Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.

It’s fishy that the girlfriend didn’t excuse herself from the commitment.

This user thinks talking things out first would have made more sense.

The girlfriend needs to stop doing favors for the neighbors.

This person believes that screaming was a little too much!

Shouting solved nothing so that was indeed a little overboard.

People really need to keep out of other people’s business!

But this guy could also work on keeping his cool.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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