
Rowdy Kid At Daycare Hit Her Daughter With A Chair, So Mom Got Lawyers Involved And Made Them Pay For Their Negligence

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/Pexels/ cottonbro studio

Everyone’s heard stories of kids fighting and then the parents getting into things as well.

This mother got furious because her child got hit by a chair at a daycare, and who could blame her?

Find out how she took her revenge and got the daycare to pay for what they did!

Boy hit me with chair, so my mom almost owned a daycare.

This story happened when I was six years old, but my mom retells it so often that the details are ingrained.

I went to daycare while my mom worked.

It was a fun daycare but…

The daycare had a large playground with a jungle gym, plastic lawn chairs for sitting, a slide, swings, sandbox, and playhouse.

One day, a boy kept sliding down the slide without giving anyone else turns.

I decided to take a turn as he reached the bottom.

When I reached the bottom of the slide, the boy hit me in the right side of my face with a blue plastic lawn chair.

She was in a lot of pain!

I started crying and ran toward a teacher.

The boy kept trying to make me be quiet, and pushed me.

Now, the playground was covered with pebbles and sand, and I was wearing shorts so I hurt my knees and hands.

I already could barely see and this made me cry louder.

They tried calming her down…

A daycare worker came over to me, admonished the boy, and cleaned up my hands and knees.

I actually had bloody scrapes on my knees that needed bandages, my cut and bruise on my right cheek, and my right eye wouldn’t open properly.

All of this is important for what happened next.

My mom picked me up at the same time as most parents.

The mom was shocked and ANGRY!

When she saw my bandages and my injured eye, she got out of her car, stormed into the daycare and demanded to speak to the staff.

She was yelling at the top of her lungs to find out who was responsible, what happened, and why she wasn’t called about my injuries.

The boy (we’ll call him Kyle) and his mom were at the daycare.

I told my mom that Kyle hit me with a chair.

She wasn’t having this…

Mom,” WHO IS KYLE?!”

I pointed at Kyle and his mom getting ready to leave.

My mom stormed over and although I don’t remember the exchange between her, staff, and Kyle’s mom, my mom made it clear that she would make them pay.

My mom took me to the hospital, got photos taken, and called the police at the hospital to take a report and press charges against the daycare.

She had influence!

My mom was serving in the U.S. Navy at the time; she had a lawyer the next morning.

Mom called the local news and did an interview with me at her side.

Parents started pulling their children soon after.

The director of the daycare asked to sit down with my mom a few days later.

Mom knew what she was doing.

My mom, her lawyer, and I sat in the office and she made her terms clear : The daycare could pay for my injuries out of court, or the local news could cover the trial as they went to court.

They settled for an amount that my mom refuses to disclose.

My optometrist says to this day that my right eye is smaller than the left and that my right eye has worse vision, but the daycare closed the year after I got injured.

This mother really wanted accountability for her child’s injury!

Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.

This user has an important question for the girl.

This user thinks Kyle should have been the center of the revenge.

This user loves the mom for supporting the child.

That’s right! This user has a poetic take on the story.

This user is sorry about the injury!

We love the mom for not letting the bully slide!

And yes, the daycare was at fault too.

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