
Bad Customer Wanted A Refund After Getting Their Nails Done, But This Girl’s Grandma Wasn’t Going To Fall For It

Source: Reddit/Pro Revenge/pexels/ Andrea Piacquadio

It’s weird how some people never know when to stop.

Some revenge stories are fun because the bad guy gets what they deserved.

This revenge story is quite the opposite, the bad guy gets way more than they deserved and that has people sympathizing for them.

Find out what happened!

She got her fired from 7 jobs!

So this happened when I was younger (around 11/12), but I learned about all of it only a couple of months ago.

My mom had just finished makeup school (Yes, that’s a thing) and opened a small home business in addition to her regular job.

The business was going well…

The business involved giving clients manicure, pedicure, waxing and hair styling. We lived in a small town (around 5000 people).

It was like 3 months after my mom first opened her business. Business was going well and she had pretty pleasant clients, up until then.

This woman was a bad client.

Anyways, this woman, let’s call her CB, was someone my family knew for a long time. Not that they were particularly close with her, but they did know her husband.

One day, she scheduled an appointment with my mom for her daughter (there was a party or something) who was my ex-classmate. So she came over, my mom did her nails and her hair.

She was very satisfied with it. no complains, just compliments. The procedure was around 300 shekels, and CB paid.

She created a scene!

Fast forward to the next day: CB call my mom FURIOUS and demands she gives her back her money since the hair and nails fell apart and ruined her daughter’s evening

(Which was a lie since there were a bunch of photos on Facebook for that event that showed CB’s daughter, with everything intact).

My mom decided not to argue with her and just give her the money back.

When she met up with CB to give her the money, CB went something like: “I’m going to sue you for damage to my daughter’s morale! You’ll be paying me for a very long time”.

money was tough back then, and my mom knew that hiring a lawyer wasn’t a possibility, so she broke down. She went to cry to my grandma.

Grandma knew how to deal with the bad client.

Now, my grandma is known for being very hardcore.

She’s the type of woman who would yell at her own mother who treated her bad when she was younger. When my mom cried to my grandma, obviously my grandma was having none of it.

She went like: “no one dares to touch my offspring. I’ll kill that girl!” (In Russian).

Here comes the revenge.

Grandma started slow…

Before the actual revenge, my grandmother decided to do what any responsible adult would do: She yelled at CB, called her all the bad names in the dictionary, and demanded she returns the money to my mom. CB, of course, refused.

That’s where things went loose.

First, she let EVERYBODY know what kind of person CB was. She was like: “she cheated out a single mother with two kids out of money and caused her a lot of emotional distress”.

Since my grandmother had a high standing status in the community, everybody sided with her and would give CB death stares when she passed by, going as far as calling her a ***** and stuff when she passed by.

Grandma tried getting the money out of her.

CB found out my grandmother is the one responsible for that and went to confront her.

My grandma went like: “give my daughter her money back” and she refused to pay up.

My grandma proceeded to yell at her and call her names again.

CB sent her husband to talk to my grandma, but once again, my grandmother went like: “give my daughter her money back.”

Her husband is kind of a chicken, so he quickly backed down.

Grandma then ruined the lady’s crops.

That night my grandmother also trespassed into their backyard and ruined all their crops. She made sure everything was ruined, down to the last lemon tree.

After ruining her status in the community and CB still refusing to pay up, my grandmother was very furious.

She wanted to cause even more trouble, and one day she found the perfect opportunity.

She went to the local deli and saw CB working there, which was perfect.

Now, even though my grandmother is hardcore, she knows how to sweet talk to people, which is why she has a high standing status.

This is where grandma’s revenge got worse.

After my grandma saw CB, she went straight to her boss.

She came up with some stuff how CB has cancer and she is touching the food and she will spread it to other people (I know it’s BS, but still.

And FYI, she didn’t actually have cancer), and that until CB was fired, she, along with other regular costumers, would stop shopping there.

CB was quickly fired after that.

Next up, my grandma went to her regular spa where she knew a lot of people and saw CB working there, working as a receptionist.

Another day, another boss!

She went to her boss again and complained how CB has cancer and stuff, and demand she’s fired. CB was fired once again.

The same pattern continued on and on. First it was a local clothing store, then it was a pet store, gas station, and another type of store.

Her latest job is a job at the gallery. When she saw my grandma approaching the store, she ran to the door to open it to my grandma, almost bowing, and said as politely as she could: “Welcome *grandma*, how are you doing today?”

Grandma still isn’t done with the revenge.

My grandma is currently planning how to get her fired from this one.

I don’t know any news that happened for the last couple of months, but I do know this: Whenever she sees CB on the street, she makes sure to call her all the bad words in the book up until this day.

The girl probably regrets getting her nails done at all!

Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this one.

This person believes the story is a little too much!

That’s right! This user knows the grandma never gave a chance to CB.

This user feels bad for the lady.

This user thinks grandma is the bad guy in this story.

That’s right! This user wants the grandma to calm down.

Geez! The users are clearly against such abusive behavior!

Wisdom is yet to visit this grandma.

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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