
Creepy Neighbor Kept Stalking This Guy’s Every Move, So He Finally Decided To Retaliate And Report His Criminal Activities

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/Pexels/ SHVETS production

Bad neighbors are one thing, but having a stalker neighbor with criminal tendencies is a different level of scary.

This guy’s neighbor used to keep too close an eye on him, and would do anything he could to intrude besides.

Find out how this guy finally got rid of him.

Why you shouldn’t brag about your illegal activities to people that don’t like you much.

I started renting a house about 5 years ago.

I had always lived in apartments and I was excited to finally have some space and privacy.

This neighbor was a menace!

This was ruined within the first week by my neighbor and he made my 4 years at that house miserable.

He’s in his late 40’s or early 50’s and despite seeming like a fully functional adult, he has never lived outside of his parents home.

He spends every possible minute cleaning or admiring his truck, so he practically lives in the driveway.

When he isn’t bragging about some move that he just pulled on someone, he is hitting on the wives and daughters of anyone on the street.

He was intruding this guy’s privacy!

I moved in during the winter and started noticing footsteps in my yard in the morning.

I found out that he was walking into my yard to look in my windows and see what I was watching/playing at night.

I bought a simple security system and put a few cameras up and this stopped. Then he started mowing my side yard. He would mow it the day after I did.

I asked my landlord about this and was told that Mike (the creepy neighbor) considered it his property and kept arguing about the property line.

It’s just grass, so I let it go.

The creepy neighbor went way too far with this one!

If I had guests over, he would stare at them and sometimes make comments when I wasn’t around to hear him.

If I was in the backyard, he would have a reason to be in his backyard. If I was in the house or the front yard, he was in his driveway where he could see in my living room.

If I was mowing the yard, he would get out a lawn chair and sit and watch, putting it away as soon as I was done.

It came to a head when I caught him sending is dog into my front yard one morning, instead of letting it out into his fenced in backyard like he normally would.

He was so creepy!

I told him to stay on his side of the property line and he said that he was going to break into my house and smash my cameras and computer.

Cops were called and he got off with a warning.

Last fall I told my landlord that I was going to move out.

This is where the horrible neighbor messed up.

During the conversation I found out that Mike was on workers comp for an “injury” that he got at work and that he was now bragging about how he was using his workers comp checks to setup his own under-the-table landscaping business.

My landlord, like most of the neighborhood, doesn’t really like Mike.

The landlord’s son and family live across the street and Mike has hit on the wife a few times over the years and has started to trying talk to their 17 year old daughter.

This guy decided to take matters in his own hands.

I waited for a day when he had his new work truck and trailer, with his name and number on the door, and I made a video of him working on his yard and carrying 50 bags of mulch and climbing ladders.

I sent videos and pictures to the fraud department of the workers comp office.

This is where the victory comes in.

Today I just found out that he was found guilty of fraud, ordered to pay back every dollar, and may end up in jail.

I am happily living in a new place that has a lot of land between me and the neighbors.

No one would want a neighbor like that.

Let’s find out how the Reddit community reacted to this story.

This user knows the guy finally got justice for being miserable for too long.

This user suggests getting law involved with this creepy neighbor.

That’s a good solution! This user suggests putting in fences.

This user knows something’s really off with the neighbor.

However creepy, this user sounds right!


Glad this guy moved out away from the creepy neighbor!

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