
Family Hid The Truth About His Biological Mom for Years, And Now He’s Finally Calling Them Out

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/cottonbro studio

Finding out that everything you believed about your family was a lie is a lot for anyone to process.

So, what would you do if you discovered that your mom wasn’t your biological mother and your siblings were only your stepbrother and stepsister?

In the following article, one teenager finds himself in this very situation.

Here’s what happened.

AITA for calling out my family for keeping the truth from me for years?

In March, I (17m) learned that my mom isn’t my biological mom but my stepmom and that my brother and sister are my stepsiblings.

I was only 1 when my parents got married, so I don’t remember a time before, and my biological mom doesn’t want to know me, which means I never grew up with two moms or anything. I always assumed I was their bio kid.

They basically said I was. I thought my siblings were blood siblings, too. I knew they didn’t call Dad ‘dad,’ so I figured they were half-siblings but still siblings.

His siblings were especially mean to him.

Which is why, growing up, I was so confused about why they hated me.

They would get so mad at me for talking to them or breathing near them. They used to fight to not sit next to me at dinner and fight over who’d sit next to me in the car.

They’d say I wasn’t their brother but never answered why. The only answer I’d get was I was pathetic and I was gross.

They would kick me out of the TV and game room because I wasn’t allowed in there if they wanted to do something.

The way they treated him was very upsetting.

I was so confused.

I looked up to them and so badly wanted them to be like the older siblings my friends had or like my friends were with younger siblings.

I cried about it.

He tried to question his entire family about why they acted like that.

I asked my parents why. I asked my grandparents and extended family why. Nobody ever told me the truth.

I also never understood why they hated Dad so much, though they never seemed to hate him as much as they did me.

It did a number on younger me. I still have some hangups from wanting my “siblings” to love me, being rejected every time, and being treated like they would catch something from sitting next to me.

Here’s where he learns the truth.

I started to question stuff when I needed my birth certificate and my parents wanted to bring it to school for me.

So I searched it out, found it, and saw Dad’s name, but not Mom’s on there. I asked my parents.

They admitted I was my mom’s stepson and my siblings’ stepbrother. And they hadn’t liked that and hadn’t liked my dad.

They said they had wanted me to love them so it would soften their hearts and let them accept me as a brother.

Understandably, he’s upset.

The rest of my family didn’t like me saying my parents had lied and being mad about it. They think I’m being unfair. They mentioned it a few times.

But when they were over at our house a few days ago I kinda lost it and called them out for lying too and keeping the truth from me.

I told them everyone left me in the dark and looking like an idiot about what my stepsiblings had meant. They said I expect too much from them.


Wow! What a terrible situation for everyone involved.

Let’s see what the folks over at Reddit had to say about it.

This person sympathizes with him.

According to this comment, he should take a DNA to look for his biological family.

Great points!

As this person points out, his family should’ve been more supportive.

This is sad!

At some point, he deserved to know the truth from them, rather than having to find out on his own.

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