
Family Wanted Her To Include Her Girlfriend’s Twin Sister In A Birthday Party, But She Wanted It To Be Her Girlfriend’s Party Only, So She Never Made Arrangements For The Twin Sister

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Catalina Carvajal Herrera

Some families are tricky to deal with, sometimes because they don’t even realize the biases they are living with!

This girl’s girlfriend had to go through a lot of drama on her birthday because of a biased family.

Find out what happened!

AITA for throwing a party for my girlfriend that isn’t also celebrating her sister?

I (32F) decided this year I wanted to have a surprise party for my girlfriend’s (34F) birthday.

She loves her gf enough to know how rough things have been.

It’s been a really hard year for her since getting laid off and having to work two jobs while also trying to finish up her master’s degree and I wanted to do something special for her.

My dad already secured a venue and I sent out invites to her friends and family last week.

But things aren’t as simple.

The thing is, she has a twin sister, I’ll call her A.

There’s been some animosity over the years regarding the two of them where the family puts her sister on a pedestal and they haven’t been very kind to my girlfriend.

They’re always telling her that she should be more like A and gassing her and her accomplishments up.

She knows how bitter the family has been.

When my girlfriend finished undergrad the family didn’t even care, I mean we weren’t expecting anything but all she wanted to hear from them was “I’m proud of you”.

Never happened, and the relationships there have been a bit strained for years now.

She thought she made a wise decision.

So this party invite says it’s for my girlfriend, I didn’t include anywhere that it’s also a party to celebrate A.

I’ve been bombarded by texts and calls from her family asking why I’m not having a joint party for them and how selfish I am for that.

The best part about this is the fact A doesn’t even care, she’s actually relieved to be out of the spotlight for a day.

The family is being too dramatic over it.

It’s their parents and extended family that are all hurt about it.

I only have one sibling and we’re not twins so I feel bad that they’ve had to share literally everything their whole lives, and that my girlfriend has pretty much lived in A’s shadow for so long.

She’s wondering if she did the right thing.

I kind of wanted to celebrate just her for once, but AITA for not making it also her sister’s party?

This girl probably didn’t expect things to blow up like that.

Let’s find out what the Reddit community thinks about this story.

That’s right! This user knows how to respond to the biased family.

This person is stating facts!

That’s fun. This user has a clear a reply for the family.

On point! People need to understand that this is a birthday party for grown ups!

This person makes sense with their rational thinking.

Geez! That’s a twisted situation.

Best of luck to these girls for their future parties!

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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