
Girlfriend Gets Mad When He Reminds Her To Eat, And Then Blames Him When Her Food Gets Cold

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/cottonbro studio

Dealing with little annoyances in a relationship can be tough, especially when you’re just trying to help.

So, what would you do if your partner frequently ordered food but then let it get cold and got upset about it despite you trying to help?

Would you keep reminding them? Or would you let them deal with it and avoid the argument?

In the following article, one man finds himself in this very situation and wonders if he’s wrong for stopping his reminders. Here’s how it went down.

AITA for not reminding my GF to eat her food?

My girlfriend and I live together, and we often struggle to cook after work, so we end up ordering food frequently.

I usually don’t feel very hungry, but she often texts me on her way home saying she’s starving and can’t wait any longer, so we should order something.

Once we get home, we order food. However, when the food arrives, she often gets distracted with other things and doesn’t start eating.

At first, he tried to help by reminding her.

I prefer to eat my food while it’s still warm and don’t want to wait. She leaves her food sitting out until it gets cold and then complains to me about it being cold.

I used to remind her to start eating so it wouldn’t get cold, but after I did this several times, she got upset and told me she’s not a child and doesn’t need to be infantilized.

Since then, I’ve stopped reminding her.

Upset, he finally told her she couldn’t have it both ways.

Today, once again, we ordered food, and once again, she was annoyed that her food had gotten cold because she didn’t eat right away when it arrived and got mad at me again or, rather, took her frustration out on me.

I got really angry and said, “You do this every time. And every time I try to remind you, you get mad at me and tell me not to infantilize you.”

She started arguing with me, and I ended up leaving the apartment. Now she’s texting me, saying an *******.


Yikes! Most people would probably stop reminding her.

Let’s see what advice the fine folks over at Reddit have to offer to him.

This person thinks it’s best to just avoid this situation altogether.

Here’s the perfect advice.

Hopefully it never makes it to this point, but good thoughts.

Exactly. It does sound like a weird situation.

The girlfriend needs to take responsibility.

As an adult, no one should have to remind her to eat her food – that’s just crazy!

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