
Guy Cut Him Off In Traffic And Wanted To Fight, But Then He Came To An Interview After And Found That His Target Was On The Hiring Team

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

You always want to be careful how you treat people.

I mean, you should treat people nicely anyway, but if you want to be selfish, you never know when being rude will come back to bite you.

This guy got the best possible revenge when a guy who was a jerk to him on the road showed up in his interview room.

Check it out.

Your bad driving caused you to not get hired

Background: I work for a construction company that has many divisions but I work in the new construction section.

I’ve been working at this company for about 5 years but actually worked along with my Dad who had 30+ years at the same company.

Because of his long tenure in not only the field but with the company I got a lot of inside perks. I created a lot of very beneficial professional relationships through him.

My dad recently became very sick (suffering from liver and throat cancer stage 4) and had to stop coming to work.

My Dad and I were the only office guys in the department, so once he stepped away I became number 1 guy in the department, making all the decisions.

This detail will come into play later.

There was an incident on the road.

The Crime: I recently got engaged to the woman of my dreams. We had planned on getting married in 2018 but with my dad being sick and not sure how long he will have, we moved it up to fall of 2017.

So we are getting all of the wedding planning stuff done asap. This last weekend (Feb. 11th-12th), we conquered a lot of the list. the incident happened on the 11th.

We had just finished our registry and about to meet our DJ at a local coffee shop but had some time for lunch. We grabbed a quick meal before he headed to our meeting.

As I’m pulling up to the stop sign to leave the parking lot into the street and car pulls in tight and cuts me off a good 10 feet before the stop sign off of the street.

Now, usually I have horrible road rage. Fingers, cuss words, and sometimes I’ve thrown shit from my car in fits of rage.

My fiancé hates my road rage and I try to behave myself as much as possible when she is in the car.

So when this guy cut me off all I did was throw up my hands in the air in a,” what the hell gesture.”

He was driving a Chrysler 300 and had Illinois plates. (Ill get some hate comments for this next comment Im sure) I can’t stand Illinois drivers.

He barely restrained himself from getting into a physical fight.

As I threw up my hands, he slammed on his breaks and looked at me.

Rolled down his window and asked, “What’s your deal?”

I respond with, “You cut me off. Don’t know how to take turns very well?”

His responded with, “Want to get out of the car?”

YES! At this point that is all my head is screaming, but when he asked this my Fiance grabbed my arm and said, “Please don’t.”

So I looked at him and said, ” No I don’t want to get out of the car, I want you to learn how to drive.”

His response was to call me a p****for listening to “my b****” and drive off.

He hit all of my buttons in the matter of a minute. Bad driving, not apologizing, and disrespecting one of my loved ones.

If she wasn’t there in the car, there would have been a fight.

I thought that was the end of me seeing that ***hat and I was not happy. Karma was on my side.

He was in charge of hiring a new person at work.

The Revenge: Since my Dad has left work, my responsibilities have doubled and that caused me to stay later and even come in on weekends.

My boss, seeing my struggle, asked if he could hire someone to help take some of the load off of my desk.

Since my dad leaving, I’ve pushed to have one of the field guys take over because they already know a lot about what’s going on and wouldn’t have to teach much to them.

My boss didn’t like that idea because he didn’t want to lose one of our great field guys.

He put some ads out to hire someone, but promised me I would be part of the hiring process and would even have the last word with hiring since I would be working them a lot.

And guess who walked in.

Like Santa bringing you everything you asked for on Christmas morning that jerk that cut me off walks through the front door asking about the opening.

He hadn’t seen me yet, and being in the company car when I drive to and from work he didn’t see my car either.

My boss took him to the conference room and asked the basic questions while I was finishing a bid we wanted to send out.

Then came my chance, my boss called me on the speakerphone asking me to come back to finish the interview.

I usually hate Mondays but this felt like the greatest Monday I could ever have.

It was a thing of beauty.

Right when I walked in that room, the jerk’s eyes lit up and got real big.

What made it even better is as I’m walking in, I hear my boss tell him that I’m coming to finish the interview and would be his boss and we wanted to make sure it was a good fit.

The interview went poorly, like really really poorly.

I barely roasted him with any difficult questions because he was so nervous/freaked out that his answers to my questions were horrible.

My boss then took me out the hallway after I was done and asked what I thought. I told him the whole situation and said I could never work with him.

That was all my boss needed and said we will keep looking for a new replacement.

Best part is I got to tell the guy the news. I basically told him to get out and laughed at his face about trying to get a job here.

He wasn’t quite done yet, either.

Funniest part actually, is he told me he already had other job offers at some of my competitors and was just shopping around.

Idiot actually named the competitors who he claimed had offered him jobs.

What he didn’t know, is that our company is actually really close and friendly with our competitors.

I called up those companies and told them what happened and they not only told me they did not offer him jobs but now they definitely wont.

This must have felt like a gift from the heavens.

Let’s find out what Reddit has to say about it.

The top commenter had jokes.

The icing on the cake.

He resisted the urge to make it personal.

It’s all in the way we respond.

Lots of commenters thought he should work on himself, though.

Maybe that other driver actually learned a lesson.

Probably not, though.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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