
He Got Banned From Tinder, So He Tried To Create A New Account With A Friend’s Phone Number. But When The Friend Says No Because They Haven’t Seen Each Other For Five Years… Things Get Tense.

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/cottonbro studio

In today’s story, a friend wants to use another friend’s phone number to create an account on a dating app.

The friend says “no” and explains why.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

AITA for refusing to let my friend open a Tinder account using my phone number

My friend was banned from Tinder a few years ago.

When he told me about this back then, he said he contacted Tinder and wrote a lengthy email asking to be unbanned.

They did not lift the ban.

His friend tried to use his phone number to create a new Tinder account.

Last night I received an access code via text, which I found odd because I didn’t try to login to any google account anywhere recently.

Shortly afterwards, my friend texts me that he tried making a google voice number because it wouldn’t let him use his phone.

Then says he’s trying to make a tinder account, but his number was banned some years ago.

Then thanks me and says he appreciates it before I even opened his text.

OP didn’t let his friend use his phone number.

I responded by saying I can’t do that because my google account is tied to my parents’ google family account.

Then I tell him that I remember him mentioning he got banned from Tinder a while ago, but he never gave details.

I think it goes without saying that he was somehow violating their terms of service. However, what I said to him was it sounds like you’re trying to circumvent the system….sus.

I think it’s worth mentioning he regularly refers to women as b*tches and can come off as rather misogynistic, which personally I find upsetting, disrespectful, and simply uncalled for.

The friend tried to defend himself.

Anyway, he tells me it was a ban that was unjustifiable, but on a deeper level, is a bit ashamed at my attitude because some big corporation banned him, he’s supposed to roll over and simply accept that fate from 7 years ago? Over something that was equally unjustified? He says.

Then tells me he’s equally ashamed I’d even remotely call him out on that and take their side and not be a supporting friend.

Him and I live on opposite sides of the country, and last saw each other 5 years ago.

We occasionally talk on the phone, but we’re not tight like we used to be. And a lot can change in 5 years.

OP gave his friend a suggestion.

I have NO IDEA what specifically he was banned for, but imagine it must’ve been pretty bad.

After politely telling him no, I suggested it might be worth reaching back out to Tinder, acknowledging what he did was wrong and why, explaining how he’s learned from it, and will make sure it never happens again, and then maybe ask if it’d be possible to have his ban lifted.

I think OP was right not to let his friend use his phone number.

Let’s see how Reddit responded…

This reader would cut off contact with the friend.

Another reader thinks the friend contacted other friends first.

This person encourages OP not to give in.

Another reader agrees that OP should say “no.”

That friend doesn’t sound like a real friend or even a good person.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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