
He Recently Bought His First House, But Now His Girlfriend Wants Her Mom To Move In With Them

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/RDNE Stock project

Growing up and moving out of your parents’ house and into your own place can be an exciting time.

In today’s story, one young man is enjoying owning his own home, but now his girlfriend wants her mom to move in with them.

He definitely does not want that!

Let’s see how story escalates…

AITA for not wanting my girlfriend’s mother to move in with us?

I (23M) and my girlfriend (22F) have been together for almost 6 years.

We just moved into a house that I bought and own, a month and a half ago.

I’m a first time homeowner and this is my first time living on my own away from my parents.

She’s been living in an an apartment for a few years prior to moving in here.

OP explains who pays for what.

We make enough to live comfortably, we bring home around $80k combined and as a result I was able to buy a pretty big house for the two of us, nearly the size of my parents home.

I alone pay the mortgage and utilities, since it’s my house.

Girlfriend has been generous enough to buy groceries, subscriptions, etc. She also paid for some of the furniture we have when we moved in.

The issue here came up about a week ago.

OP’s girlfriend wants her mom to move in with them.

Girlfriend’s mom “A” isn’t well off. She lived in a trailer with her boyfriend and they broke up a few months ago so she’d been living with her mom and mom’s husband.

A’s mom died a couple of weeks ago from cancer, and now her mom’s husband is kicking her out.

She has the possibility of living with my girlfriend’s sister and her boyfriend (who live with the boyfriends parents), but A’s been insistent on moving in with us.

I am firmly against this.

OP includes reasons why he doesn’t want his girlfriend’s mom to move in.

It’s my house, I’m very much enjoying living on my own, and honestly, I don’t want anyone else here.

It’s not my fault that her mom hasn’t done anything to improve her financial situation, and I shouldn’t be forced to endure her consequences of her actions.

The fact that (to my knowledge) she isn’t even looking at apartments, other trailers in that area, or a JOB just shows me that she intends to move in here and stay here.

I can tell my girlfriend doesn’t want that either, but wants to cave and ask me to allow it, though she’s been avoiding the subject directly with me given the uncomfortable situation she’s understandably in.

OP loves his girlfriend but that doesn’t change how he feels about her mom.

I love her to death, but she’s a massive pushover when it comes to her mom.

She had me driving to Walmart to get food and cigarettes for her mom when we started dating, because her mom was too lazy to.

My girlfriend’s sister has been saying I’m a jerk because we have a bigger house, and can easily take her in.

OP stood his ground but also feels guilty.

I told her outright, “it’s not my mom, and not my problem”, which caused her to throw a tantrum on the phone, and she accused me of trying to make her mom homeless.

I’ve been feeling guilty, but I want to hold my ground. I don’t want to enable her mom to sit around here all day drinking.


It does sound like it would be enabling to let the mom move in.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted…

This reader thinks OP needs to talk to a lawyer.

Another reader pointed out that OP is NOT responsible if his girlfriend’s mom is homeless.

This person thinks the girlfriend might need to move out.

Another person warns that the mom would probably never move out.

This reader suggests that there might be another way to help.

He needs to brainstorm ideas with his girlfriend of ways they could help without enabling.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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