
Her Boss Committed Fraud To Get A Free Trip To A Theme Park, So She Got Proof And Got Her Fired

Source: Pexels/HAMID ELBAZ

Working with someone unpleasant and unethical is never fun, but you usually just have to suck it up if you want to keep your job.

But in some cases, you get an opportunity to catch the coworker in the act and get them out of your life once and for all.

Check out the employee in this story doing just that.

I helped get my wife’s boss fired

My wife Mary worked her way up to a Manager position and got all department staff approved time to attend professional development conferences.

For the next year or so, everyone got to choose any conference around the continental USA to attend on the company’s dime.

A recipe for a self-own is born.

Everyone would come back with notes taken at every session attended attached with a conference itinerary and given to their direct superior as proof of attendance.

The employee would also present key points learned from their conference at a weekly departmental meeting.

Pretty simple morale boosting opportunity. Until someone had to abuse it.

My wife told me that her boss Karen had been bragging to her and other department directors about swimming with dolphins during her recent conference.

Having been raised in Orlando, where Karen’s conference was, I smelled a rat.

I asked her where it was and told her they close at 5:30.

It was a well known company with a whale logo.

Then detective mode kicks in.

She realized the conference Karen attended did not have free time during the business hours of the dolphin swimming experience.

Mary went into enraged clerical fury and pulled up Karen’s full travel itinerary for flight, hotel, conference, and other reimbursements and confirmed the park’s hours of operation.

According to the records submitted, there was no way Karen had time to swim with dolphins during the experience’s normal business hours without missing part of this conference.

According to Karen’s itinerary, she was supposed to have attended all sessions.

Mary eventually wrote all of this up, attached the itinerary documents, attached photos of the encounter, from social media and the hours of operation, and sent this all to Bob.

She texted me about an hour after she got to work the next day saying Bob was livid, questioning everyone Karen had bragged to to see if the stories all matched up.

Karen faces the music.

Karen was fired from the company for only attending 1 session of the 3 day conference, lying about her report filed, using company funds for travel, hotel and food to go play at theme parks and for submitting a time card to get paid while doing all of that.

She seemed to blame my wife and sent mean and dark texts to her several times until the school could send a cease and desist.

Karen’s husband was a deadbeat, so not only did Karen have to trade in her SUV for a smaller vehicle, she had also just signed on a new house only days before she was fired and now had no income to support it.

Karen had also taken credit for a lot of Mary’s work and made Mary do Karen’s workload, so she reaped what she sowed.

Here is what folks are saying.

Someone holds a grudge…

A lot. A lot is wrong with her.

Some people have no conscience. She had a way to justify it to herself.

Always good to cover yourself, but sad that you need to.

She’s clearly an amateur. Thank goodness.

I’m sure the whole department breathed a sigh of relief.

I hope she’s learned how to act at her new job.

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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