
Her Brother’s Girlfriend Wants Them To Change Their Baby’s Name, But She Refuses Her Demands Even Though It Was Her Late Child’s Name

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Choosing a name for your baby is a huge decision that can have a lot of meaning to the parents and extended family.

What would you do if you picked a name you love, but someone outside the family demanded that you pick something else?

That is what the couple in this story dealt with and they are standing their ground.

Take a look.

AITA for refusing to change my unborn daughters name?

For context my brother 34 (M) and his girlfriend 28 (F) have been together for 8 months.

My brother has admitted it’s already getting a bit rocky and he’s debating leaving her.

After a few months of trying me 27 (F) and my husband 28 (M) are pregnant with our first baby.

I am 20 weeks along and have been very unsure about a name for our baby girl until 2 weeks ago.

At first we were hesitant about being public about the name as I know disagreements can occur.

It is very sweet to name her after his late grandmother.

I wont lie its a pretty basic name, but it’s his late grandmothers name and a name I had always liked so we went with it.

Just a bit more context my husband lost his mum at 8 years old and his father was never really present so his grandmother became his caregiver and a massive part in his life.

We started dating at 14 & 15 and from the start I was open about my home life not being the best and she welcomed me in her home whenever i needed.

Sounds like a perfect name.

She was also a massive part in my life and helped me get through my abusive parents (now on better terms) and bullying.

So we always had a good relationship so this wasn’t just a name I was going with for my husband.

We both loved the idea of our baby girl to take the name of her great-grandmother and to wear it in honour of her.

This must be emotional for her, but she can’t expect the name to never be used again.

After we announced the name my brothers girlfriend flipped, she stated that was her late daughters name.

This was from a different man, not my brother so I had no idea that was her name.

My brother just informed us her daughter had passed last year and to be careful on those sorts of topics around her but the name was never brought up.

She immediately demanded we changed the name and said the baby wouldn’t care.

I explained it was also in honour of husband’s late grandmother and it had real meaning to us and we didn’t want to change it.

She insisted she couldn’t hear her daughters name, especially not on another child.

I understand it must be so hard but the name has meaning to us.

If I’m being honest if she was genuinely a part of my family, i may have considered but my brother wasn’t sure if they were forever.

I offered for them to come up with a nickname we use around her if she desperately didn’t want to hear the name.

She refused and said she doesn’t care about whose grandmother is dead, she had it coming, but her daughter still had her whole life ahead of her and called me an inconsiderate cow.

Sounds like he was just looking for a reason.

My brother broke up with her on the spot and now all my friends are saying i took it too far but I really don’t see how.


That is a difficult situation for everyone, but I think the girlfriend is wrong for making such a demand.

Read some of the comments to see what they have to say.

This sums it up nicely.

The girlfriend was wrong to say that about grandma.

Yeah, 8 months isn’t that long.

This commenter went through something similar with her daughter.

This person says she is wrong for making that demand.

This girl has to know she is asking for something unreasonable.

Feelings or not, she was out of line.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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