
Her Dad Keeps Pointing Out The Pimples On Her Face, So She Snaps Back In Anger And Points Out His Failing Marriage

Source: Reddit/AITA/pixabay/Kjerstin_Michaela

In today’s story, a teen girl with acne is sick of her dad pointing out every pimple on her face.

She finally spoke up, but she’s wondering if she was too mean with her comment.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

AITA for pointing out my dad’s failing marriage when he pointed out my acne for the 100th time

For context: My mom and dad have always had issues with each other for as long as I can remember, mainly my dad with my mom.

They never get along.

But to be fully honest I’ve always resented them for being the main reason why I have a bad view on relationships.

For example I hesitate to fully believe my friends when they say their parents hug or kiss or whatever.

Like I’ll know it’s true, but I just genuinely can’t picture it because it goes against everything from what i’ve seen.

I’m honestly just so sick of it. Yes this is relevant to the story.

Her dad keeps pointing out her acne.

I love my mom, but I have a lot of issues with my dad that I’m not going to get into here.

The issue this post is about is that my (16f) dad (50m) has a habit of pointing out my acne (or anything else really).

It’s not even that much, I’m not wildly insecure about it or anything, but it gets to the point where it’s just annoying.

Like I’ll be doing my homework and Dad will find me and say “make sure to wash your pimples!!!”

“You have a new pimple on your chin, you know?”

“You need to stop eating so much junk foods, you have pimples on your cheek” annoying remarks like that that don’t serve any real purpose.

For the last few months I’ve just been ignoring them, thinking that if he doesn’t get a reaction then he’ll stop, but surprise surprise he hasn’t!

Her dad made another comment about her acne.

Well yesterday I was in a horrible mood and I was in my room and I wanted to be left alone.

My dad comes in the room to bring me water, nice enough, but then he has to make another comment about my acne. “Your acne is so noticeable today!”

I was just exhausted and mad to begin with, and now he intruded my personal space.

Without thinking I just came up with a snappy remark.

She regrets a comment she made to her dad.

This is word for word what I said: “If my acne is so noticeable then you should also be able to notice your failing marriage and leave my mom already.”

Typing it out now, I just feel even more bad.

He was mad, and as much as I don’t like him, I understand why.

She wonders if she went too far.

I honestly think I got the failing marriage comment from how I’m just so sick of them always in their issues.

Not only is it hard to watch as their child, but it’s just plain annoying to watch their constant petty disagreements.

I think from being so exhausted my subconscious decided to finally voice my true feelings lol.

Please tell me if this remark was too far because I’m genuinely still mortified after saying that comment.


Her comment may have been inappropriate, but her dad is being mean with all his comments about her acne.

Let’s see how Reddit responded…

This reader shares a comeback that would’ve been more appropriate.

Another reader would keep the comments coming.

This person called the dad a “bully.”

Another reader gave more comeback ideas.

This reader wants her to tell her mom about the comments.

She really should talk to her mom.

Or someone who might care.

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