
Her Friends Used To Joke About Her Pale Skin, So When Her Mother Found Out And Got Offended She Started Wondering If She Should Be Angry Too

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/ Maria Verkhoturtseva

It’s natural for friends to joke around and make fun of each other. But are there supposed to be any boundaries to the jokes?

Well this other clearly thinks so.

Find out how this mother got offended at her daughter’s friends making fun of her skin.

Check out the details!

AITA? My friends and I joke about me being white and I try to tell my mom it’s fine because we’re just joking

I (17f) happen to be the only white person in my friend group. There are 7 of us.

Alright, just so you all have an idea, one of my friends is Korean, one is Vietnamese, one is Ecuadorian, two are African-American and one is Chinese-Mexican.

Their friend’s group is extremely diverse!

I am white. And I’m fine with that, nobody loves me any less because of it.

As you can probably guess from the title, we sometimes joke about the fact that I’m white. It is never anything I would consider to be offensive.

They even have nicknames for each other!

One of them has me labeled as ‘Edward Cullen’ in her contacts because I’m so pale. I think it’s hilarious.

To give you an idea, some of the comments are like “can’t handle spicy food because you’re white, vampire, can’t handle sunlight, needs sunscreen every minute, colonizer.” that isn’t everything, but it’s harmless.

I make fun of me being white too. And they are just playing around, it’s what friends do. I have never felt like they are trying to be offensive.

She was not expecting this at all.

Last night, I was upstairs doing some of my math homework.

I leave my phone downstairs when I’m doing homework so I’m not tempted to look at it.

Apparently, while I was doing my homework, my friends started a conversation in the group chat and some of those messages popped up when they were wondering where I was because I was the only person not responding lol.

Her mother had an opposing view on the situation.

My mom noticed how much my phone was going off and checked it.

After I finished my homework, my mom asked to talk to me, and she said “there’s nothing wrong with being white, don’t listen to your friends.”

I asked what she meant, and she explained how she saw all the texts going off. She said I should get friends who don’t judge my skin and actually appreciate me.

She knew how her friends function but her mother wouldn’t listen.

I said that it’s just a joke in the friend group and they weren’t trying to be offensive rather than playful.

She said even if we were friends, it’s not an excuse for them to make fun of me for being white.

I again tried to say they were just joking, and she actually got upset and said I must’ve just gotten used to it because they were bullying me for being white for so long.

She doesn’t get why her mother is acting like that.

I really don’t think this is a big deal, and I’m not really understanding how it being just a joke is not getting across to my mom.

Am I acting ignorant?

It feels like a group joke! Maybe the mother needs to loosen up a bit!

Let’s check out what the Reddit community thinks about this story.

That sounds wise! This person advices the youth to ignore certain behaviors of the oldies.

Exactly! This user knows its okay for friends to joke around.

That’s a reasonable question. This user wants to make sure the jokes aren’t targeted.

This user is a little creeped out by the weird nature of the jokes.

That’s right! Friends sometimes make random jokes and that’s okay!

If only the mother could just laugh at the jokes and let this slide!

It doesn’t seem like a big deal.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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