
Her Girlfriend Surprised Her With A Redecoration Of Their Shared Space, And She’s Worried Her Reaction Was All Wrong

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

If you live in a space, you probably like to help make sure it’s somewhere you feel at home.

You want to be able to relax and not constantly look around wishing you could do something different with the walls, furniture, etc.

This woman’s girlfriend redecorated without her, and she’s wondering whether her underwhelming reaction was warranted.

The details are below!

AITA my gf redecorated while I was away

My gf and I have lived together for 2 years.

I spent the weekend away at a different city to where we live and was originally due to arrive home on Sunday night.

However, my gf had a death in the family recently, so we had arranged for me to meet at her parent’s house instead. We would need to spend the night there as it was a few hours drive from our house.

We both drove separately in our own cars for this reason.

On the way home, she learned about a surprise she was not prepared for.

After the funeral, we headed home in our own cars. My gf told me that if I got home first, I shouldn’t go into the living room as she had a surprise for me.

When we both went into the living room together, I saw that she had changed the colour scheme of our living room.

We had originally decorated it so that the main furniture was neutral, so that we could change the accessories in the future, if we changed our minds (like cushion covers etc).

She had changed all the accessories and theme as a surprise.

She’s wondering if her reaction is warranted or if she owes her girlfriend an apology.

I personally am not great with change, so I have some self awareness that I could be overreacting but need an outsiders opinion.

I’m also hyper aware that we had just been to a funeral so emotions are high as well.

I didn’t react how she wanted to, in fact I was actually quite upset that she did this without talking to me first.

She said that she paid for all the cushions etc out of her own money and not our joint account, so it shouldn’t matter?

I couldn’t really discuss in detail why I was upset because I felt like I was being an ungrateful a*****e and it really hurt to see her sad.

It also wasn’t a great time to argue about decor after being at a funeral.

So… AITA for being upset that my gf changed the decor without discussing it with me first?

I think the extenuating circumstances played a role here.

Let’s find out if Reddit agrees.

This person thinks her girlfriend was just being nice.

But this person says surprises are a crapshoot.

The changes really weren’t a big deal.

I wouldn’t even think twice.

She needs to put herself in her girlfriend’s shoes.

Definitely not great timing.

But I feel like their relationship will survive.

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