
Her Neighbor Made Fun Of Her Disabled Child, So She Disclosed It To The Police When Her Neighbor Was Applying To Be A Cop

Source: Pexels/Pixabay

When you do something bad, it tends to come back to bite you.

In this story, it bit this woman back hard and she really felt the pain without knowing who caused it.

Check out what why the mom who made it happen found this karma super satisfying.

Make fun of my kid? I’ll get you back somehow.

My daughter had a medical problem that affected her walking.

One day after we were in our backyard, I overheard my neighbor making fun of her.

It was appalling.

“Do you see the way she was walking? What a little r-word! My little r-word, my little r-word…” (sung to the cheerful tune of My Little Pony, I guess because that was what my kid had been wearing).

A while after that, we received a letter from the police department asking do you have an opinion on why or why not your neighbor would make a good officer of the law?

So Mama Bear seized the opportunity.

I wrote an essay about their dogs having to sit outside in the pouring rain all day, how she made fun of a kid with a handicap, that she might come to work drunk, etc.

Last night I heard her crying to one of her buddies about how she couldn’t seem to break into the local police force.

Not sure if my letter influenced that decision.

Here is what people are saying.

I’m sure it took a lot of discipline.

Definitely. This is not the right person for the job.

No, she is unhinged and could be dangerous given what a blow this is to her.

If you honestly think she is a good person and only bullied a child once, you are naive.

Sees: kid gets bullied and thinks: air conditioning. LOL

I wonder what my mom would have done.

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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