
Her Roommate’s Boyfriend Practically Moved In Without Paying Rent, So She Finally Spoke Up And Now Things Are Tense

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Liza Summer

Living with a roommate can be frustrating, especially when you lack clear boundaries from the start.

So, how would you handle it if your roommate’s significant other was constantly staying over, using your space without pitching in?

Would you allow it to keep the peace? Or would you speak up and try to set some boundaries?

In today’s story, one woman finally speaks up but is now second-guessing her decision. Here’s what’s going on.

AITA for refusing to let my roommate’s boyfriend stay over every night?

I (25F) live with a roommate (26F) in a two-bedroom apartment. We’ve lived together for about a year and generally get along fine, but recently her boyfriend (26M) has been staying over nearly every night. I’m talking five or six nights a week.

At first, I didn’t mind, but now it’s starting to feel like he practically lives here without contributing to rent or utilities.

He uses our kitchen, bathroom, and common areas, and it feels like I never have any privacy in my own apartment.

Frustrated, she brought it up with her roommate.

I brought it up with my roommate and said that while I’m okay with him visiting, I’d prefer if he didn’t stay over so often.

She got really defensive and said that because he’s her boyfriend, it’s normal for him to be around a lot and that I’m being unreasonable.

Now, things are tense between us, and I’m wondering if I’m overreacting.

Wow! It’s easy to see both sides of this situation, but they probably should’ve asked how she felt.

Let’s see what advice Reddit readers have to offer.

According to this person, she should be upfront and ask for money.

Alternatively, this person thinks asking for money is not the way to go.

Here’s someone who sees this ending badly.

A nice, calm conversation may just solve the issue.

Her feelings are totally validated.

It’s only fair for everyone who uses the space to contribute, and expecting privacy in your own home isn’t unreasonable at all.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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