
Her Sister In Law Demanded To Get Her Grandfather’s Rocking Chair, So She Gave Her An Icy Speech About Why She Didn’t Deserve It

Source: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

Some siblings are very similar and get along like a house on fire. Things are mostly peaceful and pleasant, not dramatic.

But some siblings couldn’t be more different and their personalities can clash even more when they are adults.

See what happened when this person couldn’t tolerate her sister-in-law anymore.

AITA for telling my SIL there’s a reason she’s the least favorite child?

I’ve known my husband since we were teenagers and he has always been an incredibly kind, generous and modest man.

Even though he struggled financially in university, he never asked his parents for money and turned them down when they offered to pay for things.

But all is not picture perfect in this family.

They had money issues while he was growing up and he wanted to be independent.

His sister is the polar opposite: the epitome of a spoiled brat.

While my husband was working hard to help around the house and get good grades, my sister in law refused to do any chores.

She always threw fits to get what she wanted. Even as a grownup she would literally slam doors and cry if her parents didn’t buy her the newest iPhone or give her money for new clothes.

My husband and I are incredibly exited about our first house and moved in a week ago.

As a housewarming gift, my parents-in-law gave us a beautiful antique rocking chair that belonged to my husband’s late grandfather.

He was touched because he has many fond childhood memories connected to the rocking chair.

As soon as my SIL found out about this, she called to ask my husband if she could have the chair instead. He gave her a firm no and thought that was it.

The next day however she turned up in person and threw a classic fit, crying that he only got the chair because he is their parents’ favorite child and it’s so unfair.

His wife was about to unleash some cold hard facts.

At this point I admit I just about lost it.

I told her that this had nothing to do with favoritism, but with her brother being a homeowner now while she still lives in her childhood bedroom getting her parents to pay everything for her.

That my husband worked his tail off to get where he is today while all she did is demand people work for her.

I added that I would understand if he was the favorite because she had always behaved terribly.

She immediately left and hasn’t spoken to us since. I am usually a very calm and peaceful person but I feel like my outburst was justified.

My husband however says that I went way too far.


Here is what folks are saying.

If you go looking for a confrontation, you’re going to get one.

She finally poked a bear who wasn’t asleep.

I suspect they feel guilty for something they did or something she went through.

Exactly. This is classic enablement. Being a doormat makes it worse.

I was thinking the same thing. What a child.

Grow up, girl. Yeesh.

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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