
Her Sister’s Wedding Was Six Weeks After Her Sister-In-Law’s, But Her Sister Is Angry Her Niece Didn’t Attend Both Ceremonies

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When two weddings collide across continents, planning gets complicated.

A mother is caught between her husband’s sister’s wedding and her own sister’s, both taking place in India—just weeks apart.

With a toddler and limited vacation time, sacrifices had to be made, but not everyone’s happy with the decision.

Check out the details below.

AITA for not bringing my daughter to my sister’s wedding because of my husband’s sister’s wedding?

I’m (34F) have a (35M) husband and we have a 2-year-old daughter. We live in Canada, but my family (parents and sister) are in India.

My husband’s sister is getting married in February, and we were all originally planning to attend her wedding.

However, my sister’s boyfriend recently proposed, and they started planning their wedding.

Oh no!

I suggested to my mom and sister that they plan it close to February so we could attend both weddings on the same trip.

But my sister and her fiancé decided on late March, six weeks after my husband’s sister’s wedding.

It’s just not possible for us to make two trips to India within such a short time. It’s expensive, exhausting, and we don’t have enough vacation time, especially with a toddler.

No kidding.

So, we decided my husband would attend his sister’s wedding, and I would attend my sister’s, with our daughter staying in Canada with the parent not traveling.

When I told my mom this, she got upset.

She suggested I bring my daughter to my sister’s wedding, but I explained that wouldn’t work because our daughter wouldn’t be going to my husband’s sister’s wedding.

Oh, come on.

This would cause drama in his family and make us look bad if she didn’t attend.

My mom still thinks I’m being inconsiderate and selfish for not bringing my daughter and not attending both weddings.

AITA for sticking to this plan?

Juggling weddings, toddlers, and long flights isn’t easy, and trying to please both families can feel impossible.

Sometimes, practicality wins over perfect attendance, even if it means hurt feelings.

Reddit agrees. This person says she is not the AH at all.

This person is just being practical.

And this person has solidarity.

Two weddings, one toddler, zero patience left for family drama.

Her sister needs to be a little more understanding.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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