
Girlfriend Called Him Because She Felt Unsafe On A Walk Home, But He Told Her She Shouldn’t Have Woken Him Up

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/ Artur Stec

Walking home at night by yourself can feel a little scary, especially when you’re a woman.

In today’s story, one woman is in that exact situation, so she decides to call her boyfriend and talk to him while she walks home.

The problem is that her boyfriend was annoyed that she woke him up.

Let’s see the boyfriend’s perspective…

AITA for telling my girlfriend it wasn’t okay to wake me up in the middle of the night, even though she felt unsafe?

So, this happened recently, and I’m not sure if I’m in the wrong here.

My girlfriend called me in the middle of the night after being out drinking with friends.

I had an extremely important and long workday ahead (she knew it), and I was already running on too little sleep.

He talked to his girlfriend even though he was tired.

When she called, she said she missed me and just wanted to talk.

I told her I really needed to sleep because of my early start and how tired I was.

She asked if I could stay on the phone with her for another 10 minutes, and we ended up having a nice conversation before I went back to bed.

His girlfriend told him why she really called.

The next day, I told her that while I understood she wanted to talk, it really wasn’t okay for me to be woken up like that, especially when I had such a demanding day ahead.

Her response was that she felt unsafe walking home at night and that she needed to hear my voice to feel better.

I stuck to my point.

Then she said I was being a jerk for not understanding the female perspective and how unsafe it can feel to be alone on a street at night.

Also that I am a jerk because she needed to ask for my help.

He wonders if he was wrong to say what he said to his girlfriend.

I told her I get that it can be scary, but I still think she could have called someone else who was awake or even ordered a taxi instead of waking me up when I had such an important day ahead.

I obviously want to be there for her when she needs me, but I still think it’s unreasonable to wake someone up for a non-emergency in the middle of the night, especially when it’s going to mess up their day.


I can see both perspectives, but it seems like one problem is that the girlfriend wasn’t honest about why she called when she called him.

Maybe he wouldn’t have minded the call as much if he knew she felt unsafe.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted…

This reader think’s his girlfriend’s safety should be his top priority.

Another reader points out what his girlfriend thinks of him.

This person thinks he handled the situation perfectly.

This reader explains why he was wrong.

This is probably going to hurt his relationship with his girlfriend.

He basically told her to call someone else.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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