
His In-Laws Kept Sending This Guy A DNA Test To Find Out About His Real Father, But He Refused To Do It. Now He’s Wondering If He Should Have Declined The Gift More Politely.

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/ Antoni Shkraba

Isn’t it annoying when some people get too personal and wouldn’t stop poking their nose in your business?

This man’s in-laws wouldn’t stop asking him about his biological father and he simply can’t take it anymore.

Find out how things went down.

AITA for telling my ILs to stop getting me gifts and for throwing away past gifts from them?

For the last 5ish years, for my birthday and Christmas every year, my wife’s parents get me a DNA kit so I can find out who my biological father is.

They have made it a ritual!

That’s the gift they get me each time.

I have told them I’m not going to find out and I have tried returning gifts or giving it away to someone else/throwing it in the trash.

But they still buy me the same thing twice a year.

They asked them to stop gifting the same thing but they wouldn’t stop!

My wife has told them they’re wasting their own money and need to stop but they still buy me this.

And the reason? Because one time I expressed that I would like to know for sure who my father is.

The reason I don’t take the gift and find out?

He might not want to get himself in that situation…

Because I have three potential fathers, a guy my mom dated, his brother (who was engaged at the time) and his father (who was married to his mother).

My mom has been honest with me about it and she thinks it’s more likely to be the once engaged brother or the father who is my biological father.

But she doesn’t know. She never told them about me because she realized the truth would cause so much trouble.

He wants to stay away from trouble!

I don’t want to drop a bomb on these people and risk being hated for it. If they’re angry enough they might refuse to give me any info.

And I know they could handle it better. But I’m not willing to take the risk. It’s not worth it to me.

My ILs disagree but instead of continuing to tell me I need to find out, they do this.

He’s frustrated with the same conversation.

It’s annoying honestly and I feel like we’re stuck in this back and forth.

So I decided a few days ago to tell them outright to stop buying me gifts. I said I won’t use the DNA kits they keep getting me and throwing them away is getting tiring.

They told me if I wasn’t so rude and actually kept and used their gift, it wouldn’t be such a big deal.

He isn’t sure if he wants to be mean.

They said they are trying to help me and I’m unappreciative.

My wife has my back. But I do hate doing this with them.


Why can’t the parents take the hint?!

Let’s find out what the Reddit community has to comment.

That’s funny! This user wants to play UNO reverse!

This user is curious about mom’s history.

That’s true! These in-laws won’t budge.

That sounds like a solution. This user simply wants to have fun with the story.

This user is concerned about the in-laws going insane with their behavior.

The commentators think the in-laws are insane for pushing the matter.

We agree!

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