
Tenant Let His Neighbors Use His Garage Space To Park Their Bikes, But Then Went Through His Things And Made A Mess. Now They’re Getting Financial Revenge.

Source: Shutterstock/.Reddit

When you have neighbors in your apartment, doing a little extra for them is a great way to build a stronger relationship.

What would you do if you were letting your neighbors use your garage space and they went through all your stuff and left it a mess?

That is what happens to the man in this story, so he takes action and gets revenge.

Read on for the full details.

New neighbors can pay rent from now on.

Several years ago we moved into a small house that was turned into apartments.

Overall it was in very good shape, well located and had a basement which was important to me (and to the story!).

What a mess! Good thing the owner made it right.

After we moved in there was an issue with the sewage and there was water in the basement for two weeks.

Given the circumstances I talked to the owner and we agreed he’d let us use one of the garages he owns a little further down the street until the situation was fixed, free of charge.

Unfortunately, the water issue didn’t get fixed until about a year later.

Fortunately for us, this meant the owner just gave up on the garage and let us use it for years to come.

All was nice and well until the new neighbors moved in.

That is nice of him.

They seemed very nice at first, which is why we gladly accepted to share the garage so they could park their bikes there. (Bikes get stolen often in our town, even with a good pad.)

Now this garage had become our basement, housing mostly relics of our lives. (Basically junk with emotional value and loads of photo albums.)

For there to be petty revenge there needs to be grievance, and grievance there was.

Why are some people like this?

Smoking in the stairwell even though it’s a none smokers building, yelling and banging on the walls at any hour of the day, their poor dog which they terrorize so much it barks every time it hears a loud noise.

Taken individually none of these would be a problem but they’ve won bad-neighbor-bingo.

About a month after our “lovely” neighbors moved in one of them knocked on my door, drunk as all heck telling an incomprehensible tale that went from “Shomeone broke into the charage!” to “You know itsch happens to every–one to have a breakdown! You can tell me what happened, why’d you make such a mesh in the charage?!”.

Not a very good liar it seems.

A quick inspection of the garage, where all my life was spilled out on the floor between what used to be a whiskey bottle (of the neighbors favorite brand) and some buds of his cigarettes, and his absurd story of a break-in quickly made sense.

The man got drunk, rummaged through my stuff and ended up having the breakdown he accused me off.

The next day I cleaned out the garage, moved my stuff back to the now dry basement and called the owner.

I told him that the new neighbors were using the garage and would be willing to take over the rent “I’ve been paying all that time”.

He got the hint and since then they’ve been paying 100$/month just to put their bikes away.


That sounds very satisfying.

As a cherry on top I’ve been banging my cupboard every time I’m up late or early.

I get such a thrill from hearing their little dog lose it at ungodly hours, inevitably waking them up!

That neighbor sounds awful and they got what they deserved.

Take a look at what some of the people in the comments had to say.

Me too, poor dog.

This neighbor really is the worst.

Yeah, it seems inconvenient to go down the street.

I would absolutely complain about this.

Why do people not take any pride in where they live?

How can people live like this?

I have no idea.

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.

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