
His School Project Partner Wouldn’t Help, So She Got Him Do Another Project All By Himself And They Got A Perfect Score

Source: Pexels/Cytonn Photography

Sometimes an unfair experience can become fuel for something better later on.

It takes an entrepreneurial mindset and a bit nerve to make happen.

Check out how this student cleverly got a slacker to do her work for her.

I tricked my slacking friend into getting me a 10/10 for a school project

We had a school project and my partner wouldn’t help.

He said he’d claim some of my work was his and I told him this plan wouldn’t work.

Things were predictable from the start.

I have always been a good writer and I had a very distinctive writing style even as a teen. So, if I did everything myself, the teacher would notice.

Friend did not take this warning seriously, and basically brushed me off to go do the entire project myself.

So I got an idea. He was always the entrepreneurial type, economics was his best subject by far.

I informed the other 6 of my plans for our group economics project and convinced them to form pairs so that he would be stuck with me.

And then everything fell into place.

As I predicted, the teacher called me out of the classroom to discuss our previous geography project.

We got an 8.5/10. Not bad for one person doing a two-person job.

The teacher voiced his suspicions that I had done all the work, but I brushed him off.

So I told this “friend” that he owed me because I didn’t rat him out. He laughed and agreed.

So he did the whole economics project for our group and we got 10/10.

Here is what folks are saying.

But what if you’d been caught? I can’t condone cheating.

You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.

I’m not sure cheating is wholesome, but I know what you mean.

You mean a lot of managers don’t pull their weight?! I’m shocked.

It’s better than being stressed.

I wonder if this guy slacked again.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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