
His Wife Wants Help Paying Tuition, But He Refused Because She Spent All Of Her Money On Frivolous Things

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

While spending on clothes and gadgets is justifiable if you have the extra cash, if you have more important things to take care of, that’s where your money should go first.

This man complains that his wife hasn’t paid her tuition yet but goes spending money on clothes and a brand new iPhone.

When he told her that she needed to drop out of her college program because she couldn’t pay for it, she totally lost it and stopped speaking to him.

Read below for the full details.

AITAH for not paying my wife’s tuition when she’s blown thousands on clothes

My wife enrolled in an online college degree program, and hasn’t paid her tuition.

She’s a stay-at-home mom, and drives Uber a few nights a week to make extra cash.

This man and his wife share expenses at home.

Before we had kids, she was working part-time.

We split bills 50/50.

I told her I’d pay for food and housing after the kids came.

However, lately, she has been spending more on her wants.

In the years since then, I’ve asked her to help out with costs because we are house poor, and money keeps getting tighter.

She spends most of what she makes on clothes and accessories, and calls it her fun money.

I asked her to save up to pay the tuition, which is under $1,000.

She wanted him to shoulder the tuition cost.

In the last week, she has spent $400 on her credit card on dresses, and wants me to pay her tuition.

I create budgets every so often, but she never uses the tools and apps we have for them.

I told her she should drop out this semester, and save up until the next round of classes starts up.

He suggested dropping out of class and then saving up to pay for her tuition.

She’s been excited to start learning in classes again, and started to tear up.

I then said she could make a list of things she is willing to sacrifice to pay for the tuition, like her brand new iPhone, or her new purses.

And if she sold them and got second hand items to replace them, she could pay the tuition with her own funds.

She got upset with this.

She left the room at this, and hasn’t spoken since.


Let’s find out what others have to say about this matter.

This user shares their honest opinion.

While this one gives a valid point.


Here’s another hard truth.

And finally, another comment ranting about the wife.

She clearly needs to be more aware of her priorities.

Money doesn’t grow on trees.

If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.

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