
Wife Wants Him To Shower At Night To Be Clean For Bed, But He Doesn’t See Why He Should Change His Morning Shower Habit

Source: Reddit/AITA/pixabay/Olichel

Some people like to shower at night.

Other people like to shower in the morning.

Then there are probably other people who like to shower in the middle of the day, such as after going to the gym.

In today’s story, one man’s wife is pretty adamant that he shower at night, and it’s making him upset, because a shower is a shower, right?

Let’s see how the story unfolds…

AITA – Wife demands I shower at night not AM, calls me disgusting

My wife demands that I shower at night.

If I don’t she says I am not allowed in the bed, and I am disgusting and its unattractive.

I sometimes like to shower in the morning when I am already tired at bedtime.

He isn’t all that dirty at bedtime.

I work in a clean office setting, and all of my dirty articles of clothing are obviously off before I try to go to bed.

If I was covered in dirt or something I would shower, but I’m not.

AITA or is she being controlling?

Maybe he has body odor or something he’s not aware of.

Otherwise, his wife seems to be making a big deal out of nothing.

Let’s see how Reddit responded…

This reader thinks he may or may not be “disgusting.”

Another reader is on his side.

This person thinks he might stink.

Another person shares why he and his wife shower at night.

Another reader thinks he needs “a second opinion.”

Just because you aren’t covered in dirt doesn’t mean you don’t stink.

But also, she could be making a mountain out of a molehill.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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