
Horrible Neighbor And Landlady Made This Man’s Life Miserable, So He Decided To Report Their Illegal Activities

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/pexels/Liza Summer

The world is full of bad people but there are good people too who make things better with their pro revenges.

This man knew two problematic women and planned ahead to make sure he’d get them fined!

Find out what happened.

Duplex destruction

A little over a year ago I moved to a smallish town. I found a decent duplex out on the outskirts, plenty of room for just myself.

When I spoke to the landlord (or landlady I guessed) she had implied that she’d had quite a few other people look at the place, but that these weren’t the sort of people she wanted moving in.

This landlady was the most biased landlady!

It was heavily implied, though never explicitly stated, that she wouldn’t allow minorities to move into her duplexes.

I really didn’t care, as it was none of my business, and as long as I could get the place I was happy.

So, I moved in a week later, and at first, all was well. I work Tuesday through Saturday, 8-5 every week, though I frequently get off later than 5.

My job consists of driving a company truck and going to customers’ houses to fix their mess.

He wanted peace at home!

I sometimes deal with as many as 10 different people a day. At the end of the day the only thing I usually want to do is go home and veg out in front of my computer.

The last thing I want to do is interact with other people or have to deal with a bunch of noise.

Unfortunately, my neighbor was running her own daycare next door, watching as many as 10 or 12 kids in her little 1000 square foot unit.

She would allow these kids to run wild.

The kids next door were a nuisance.

My typical Monday (which was one of my weekend days) would consist of waking up at about 7am to the sounds of kids banging on walls and jumping on furniture and hearing my neighbor scream at the tops of her lungs.

This would go on all day until about 7pm, with no respite.

Now, I knew when I moved in that she ran her own small daycare, but I didn’t think it would be a problem.

He was done taking this INSANITY!

After all, I used to watch kids as well, only I was good at it, and I made sure the kids I watched were well behaved.

Naturally I assumed that someone running their own daycare would have the skill to control the kids.

Not so.

After a few weeks of this I ended up losing my patience. I knocked on my neighbor’s door and engaged her in small talk.

I didn’t want to immediately tell her to shut up, so I just made it seem like a friendly chat. During the small talk I realized that this girl was mad.

This was the first time we’d ever talked and within just a few minutes she was telling me that she had an STD. I quickly forgot her name, but I always refer to her by the nickname I gave her.

The neighbor was WEIRD.

Well, after a few minutes of conversation with the girl I decided to broach the subject of excessive noise.

I started out by asking her if I was noisy, and assuring her that if I ever became noisy she could ask and I would quiet down.

She assured me that she never heard a peep from me. She then asked me if she was noisy, to which I replied that there was an awful lot of noise during the day while she was watching kids.

He tried his best to act right but he couldn’t hold it anymore.

Now, I’m still trying to keep things civil and friendly, but things start going off the rails. She apologizes and tells me that running a daycare is noisy business.

She explains that this is her only source of income, and she has no choice in the matter.

I ask her if she’s able to keep the kids from banging on the walls at the very least, to which she replies that she’s one person with 10 kids, and she can’t be everywhere at once.

The girl was doing everything to avoid this guy and get out of it.

At this point I realize that being Mr. Nice Guy isn’t working.

This girl is just going to keep making excuses and avoiding the issue rather than actually try to do something about it.

I suggest that she either hire on some help or take some lessons to learn to better deal with young children.

She suggests I move somewhere else, and that it was stupid to move in when I knew the next door unit was a daycare.

Well, at this point I’m just mad. This girl does a bad job of running a daycare and handling children and has the nerve to call me stupid?

I decide to go to war.

He had something planned…

Before going back into my own unit I make one more statement: “Do you have a license to run a daycare?…”

Well, it turns out that the girl is good friends with landlady, and at the beginning of the next month when landlady comes to collect rent, she serves me an eviction notice, giving me 30 days to leave.

Her explanation is that I’m causing tensions among the other tenants and being a troublemaker. Keep in mind, the only other tenant I’ve spoken to has been the girl.

Well, neither of these girls know who they’re messing with. I’m the last person to just roll over and take it in the nose, especially when I feel that something unjust has been done.

He put in some effort to make things right.

I do my research and learn about my state’s childcare laws.

I learn that there is a limit to how many children an unlicensed facility can care for, which is also based on how many caregivers there are.

I also learn that there are certain requirements, such as state workers inspecting the facilities and doing background checks on the caregivers.

He saved a lot of children…

All of that licensing information is public domain, so I do a search, and sure enough, my neighbor is unlicensed and illegally watching children.

After that I do some research on housing equality laws in my state.

Turns out it’s illegal for anyone, even a private owner, to discriminate against potential tenants on things like race, gender, religion etc.

First things first; I call up the department of child protective services and report my neighbor.

I explain that she’s unlicensed, that she’s clearly unable to handle the children she’s watching, and that I frequently hear banging and yelling coming from her unit, which has me concerned for the safety and well being of the children (a bit of a fib there, but I figured I should spice it up a bit.)

The authorities did their job!

Well, much to my surprise it only takes about an hour before two CPS agents and a couple of police are pulling up in front of the duplex.

They force girl to call each of the parents to come pick up their children, then explain to the parents that if something were to happen to their children that they could be held liable for leaving their children with someone who isn’t equipped to handle them.

The girl ends up getting slapped with a hefty fine and an order to appear in court.

For the first time since I moved into that duplex, I was happy for the thin walls.


I just sat there drinking a few beers and listening to all the chaos. It went on for hours. I slept like a baby that night.

So, phase one of Operation Duplex Destruction was complete. The girl was ruined.

I’d destroyed her only source of income, permanently, caused her financial distress in the form of a fine, and got her in trouble with the law.

It was time to proceed to phase two.

He was ready to leave the madhouse with one last blow!

By now most of my stuff was packed and I’d found a new place to live a few miles down the street.

A couple weeks after moving to my new place I invited a few of my coworkers over to have a few beers, though I had ulterior motives.

It just so happens that I invited two black coworkers, and a white coworkers. After we’d had a couple beers I explained the real reason I wanted to get together.

I’d been working on a plan to get back at some racist of a landlady, and I was ready to put the plan into action.

Fortunately, me being such a likable guy and on great terms with all my coworkers, they were more than happy to go along.

His friends pitched in to help with the horrible landlady.

I went ahead and had one of my black coworkers call up the landlady and ask about her “for rent” listing and set up a time to meet her and check the place out.

I instructed my other black coworker to wait a couple days and do the same, and instructed my white coworker to wait until the end up of the week to do the same.

A week and a half came and went.

During that time all 3 of my coworkers had met with the landlady to check out the unit.

She told my two black coworkers that she’d already found another tenant, and sent each of them on their way.

She wasn’t subtle about her views.

But when my white coworker showed up later that week, she told him that she hadn’t found anyone to rent yet, but that she’d had some “unsavory characters” show interest.

Well, this was more than enough for me.

I got in touch with my state’s Commission on Human Relations department.

I explained that I had referred a few friends to check the place out, and that the owner of the properties was blatantly refusing to rent to minorities.

This man made sure he’d get his revenge on both ladies.

I also called up the NAACP and explained the situation to them.

It’s now been about 2 months since all of that happened. I checked back with the NAACP this morning to ask for an update on the situation.

Racist landlady was slapped with a fine, and is currently being sued by the NAACP for tens of thousands of dollars.

Operation Duplex Destruction is a success!

This guy did all he could to get rid off the horrible ladies!

Let’s find out what the Reddit community has to say about this.

This user knows how good revenge stories work.

This user loves the way this guy planned his revenge.

Exactly! This man helped save a lot of kids.

This user knows the ladies deserved what they got.

This woman loves the way this guy dealt with the racist lady!

The commentators applaud this man for his thoughtful revenge.

You’ve gotta stick with it sometimes.

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