
Husband Accidentally Runs Out Of Haunted House With Another Woman, And His Wife Is Not Amused By The Mix-Up

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/Kenny Eliason

Some haunted houses are so intense that you can’t help but get swept up in the chaos surrounding you.

So, what would you do if your wife dragged you through a terrifying attraction, only for you to realize halfway through that you were actually running with another woman?

In the following story, one man finds himself in this very situation and wonders if his reaction is wrong.

Here’s what happened.

AITA for getting scooped up by another woman in front of my wife.

It was around Halloween, and I (M43) had taken my wife (F42) to a county fair (Del Mar, San Diego) that has a haunted house that is locally pretty famous for being scary.

She was really excited to go, but she is super terrified of anything horror, especially if it involves clowns.

Regardless, she was talking tough and assured me that this was going to be fun and not going to be a thing.

I’m usually the type to laugh at horror movies and haunted stuff, so I easily obliged.

So we’re going through the haunted house and it’s a lot of fun. They let us go in small groups of 6 or 8 if i remember.

Most of us were couples.

His wife was more scared than expected.

Anyway, it’s dark. Strobes are popping. Fog machines were blowing. The props were awesome.

The audio effects were really good and spooky. The actors were pretty convincing and there were plenty of them.

My wife is behind me, using me as a shield. Anytime something scary happens she has a particular… squeak? squeal?

I dont know to describe it. Regardless, she was behind me, holding onto my hoodie.

At one point she was pulling down the hood, which started to choke me from her yanking so hard, so I had to re-direct her hands to the bottom of the back of my hoodie.

Now that I think about it, everyone was behind me. I was the front of the group.

Here’s where she really freaked out.

Halfway through, an actor dressed up like the possessed girl from the exorcist jumps out from her hiding spot and starts to run at us from a distance cutting off our way through the haunted house.

I immediately hear screams (from our group) and feel my wife snatch my arm with a vice like grip and run.

When I say run, I mean like Forrest Gump hucking it through the corn fields.

I get dragged past the exorcist girl thru the next set of corridors and out a side door.

I’m laughing the entire time because I never thought my wife would have such a strong reaction to a haunted house.

Especially after all the tough talking she had done before going in.

She’s not who he thought she was.

Once we get outside, the woman who I thought was my wife turns around, and I’m like, “Oh ****.” It was someone else’s girl.

I immediately turn around, go back through the haunted house, and search for my wife.

I make it through the proper end of the haunted house and there she is standing there, foot tapping with her hands on her hips.

She was standing next to the boyfriend/husband of the other girl waiting for us to come out.

Everyone was amused in one way or another.

I thought the situation was hilarious, so I laughed while telling them what had happened and apologized while I was at it.

The other dude laughed as well and found humor in it. I told him where I left his partner.

My wife rolled her eyes, but she was elegant enough to brush it off, and we continued our night.

Anyway, she still brings up this story till today.

She thinks that Im a **** for running off with another person’s significant other


Yikes! That must have been awkward.

Let’s see what the folks over at Reddit had to say about this story.

Same thing happened to this person, but they all became friends.

This person has a great point.

Excellent thoughts.

According to this person, had the story gone another way, he may have been wrong.

This was a simple mistake!

His wife should learn to laugh about it because it was years ago.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.

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