
Insensitive Teacher Bullied Students Suffering From Mental Health Issues, So This Girl Got Testimonials From Everyone And Got Him Fired

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/Pexels/Micah Eleazar

Teachers can either make or break their student’s education experience, and sometimes even their future choices.

This teacher was one of the meanest bullies in the school, but this girl made sure he wouldn’t get away with it.

Read on to find out how she and her mom got him fired for good.

If only he knew my mom was on the school board.

So I had a really rough time in high school.

Due to an on again off again abusive boyfriend I was suffering with severe depression and chronic anxiety and my grades were suffering badly.

On the starting of my junior year my mom decided it might be a good idea to enroll me in a school that catered to kids that suffer from mental illness, called interim health.

This school was almost non-existent in terms of numbers…

This school was also attached to the young mothers program, helping teenage girls that were pregnant prepare for having their babies while also trying to help them graduate.

This school was also extremely small, one hallway across, maybe 8 rooms total.

Its student population was maybe 150 students at max but you’d be lucky to see 30 on any given day.

There was only one teacher for each subject except math which had two, one that taught sophomores and below and the other that taught the juniors and seniors.

The latter being who this tale is about today

She had a lot to say about the school…

Now that I’ve set the scene let’s get into the meat of the story.

I could complain about this school all day, about how it was woefully underfunded, or how cramped and depressing it was, etc. but the teachers, the teachers were AMAZING.

All very understanding of each students individual needs, always willing to work extra hard to help students who were struggling, and did their best even with the limited budget to make classes engaging.

All but one. My math teacher who well call Mac.

He was a devil’s sent!

Now you could tell right from the start that Mac felt a little too comfortable in his position at the school.

Within a week of schools start he had gone from lazily and poorly teaching his lessons to giving up entirely and pulling up episodes of x-files during class time occasionally walking out for 10-20 minutes at a time to go talk to his best buddy across the hall Ms. principal.

The two of them were nearly inseparable, to the point where if you were trying to look for Mac you’d be more likely to find him in the principal’s office than in his own office.

If you ever stumbled across the pair of them they were always laughing about some inside joke, clearly not taking their jobs too seriously.

The man made sure to be the meanest person on campus!

Here is where things go from maybe mildly annoying to absolutely infuriating because Mac was also a MASSIVE bully.

Mac would constantly make fun of his own student behind their back.

Criticizing the young mother students for their “poor choices”.

Saying things like “maybe if they weren’t such idiots they wouldn’t have gotten themselves into this mess” and “they should have just been smart enough to realize the consequences.

Now they’ll be stuck broke and dependent on their parents for the rest of their lives, pathetic” and he made it a habit to make horrible baby jokes to them and laugh at their disgusted reactions.

He made insensitive comments!

He was worse to the interim health students.

He’d call us “crazies” say things like “I’m not a babysitter, this is what psych wards are for” (NOTE: most of the interim health students were like me, just suffering from depression or anxiety. some had slight learning disabilities but nothing so severe as what he was making it out as.)

He’d have nicknames for the slow learning students like “downsy the dip” and “the terrible tard”.

One time one of the students that was unfortunately pretty well known for her self harm scars slit her wrists in the school bathroom and had to be taken to the ER.

As she was getting wheeled off I overheard Mac say “You’d think after the first failed attempt shed have googled the right way to do it”

On top of all that half way through the year he had taken up a new part-time job.

He was so WEIRD!

Trying to convince his own students to drop out of high school and instead sign up for fake classes to get fake diplomas from a fake online school.

He even tried to rope me into doing the dirty work for him in exchange for the community service hours I needed to graduate.

I declined.

Now this revenge plot starts about two months before the end of the year.

Up until then id managed to remain pretty quiet on the topic to my parents mainly just being mean about it to my friends.

He crossed all limits!

But one day something he said just made me snap I had had enough.

I went home seething and that night at dinner I went on and on about how terrible of a teacher he was how incompetent, and childish, and cruel he was.

Eventually after I’d calmed down my mom asked me what his name was and I told her.

In that moment I saw a look of recognition immediately flit into intense rage as she said “I’ve been trying to get him fired for years!”

Unfortunately her position on the school board didn’t allow her to hire or fire teachers.

The mother wanted to take some action but this girl has better plans…

That night she begged me to write out a statement on all the things he had done and said and that’s when I had an idea.

I told my mom I’d do her one better and the next day I went in to school with an empty notebook and a mountain of pens.

Over the course of the next week or so I went up to every single student I could explained what I was doing and begged them to write down anything they could think of that showed that he was a terrible teacher.

She did her best to kick him out!

I wanted to nail him to the cross with bureaucracy.

I wanted to ensure that he would never teach in any school, any school district, any state, any country again.

I managed to get about 30 statements from the students and even a couple from the teachers.

Then came time for my statement I wrote out a three page account on all the terrible things id seen him say and do and how harmful I thought it was to not only the students learning there but also to the reputation of the school district.

It was a masterpiece.

I handed them all over to my mom and waited.

They got the results they wanted!

Some time went by and as I waited I relished in every cruel comment he made, in every episode of the x-files we watched, in every extra long bathroom break he took.

And I was not the only one, it was like the whole school was waiting with bated breath and then the day came.

The day that we had a substitute teacher.

I was elated until the very last day of school.

He paid for his dirty actions!

on one of the last days I ended up asking the principal what he had been up to since.

She said that he had had to move back in with his parents and that he had yet to find another job.

This girl worked smart to kick out a bully!

Let’s find out what the Reddit community has to say about this one!

That’s right! This user knows the teacher belongs in hell!

Exactly! The principal is also a culprit.

This user knows things couldn’t get any worse.

This person wishes the principal was also punished.

This user applauds the girl for her revolutionary actions.

This story had the best happy ending!

A revenge worth sweating for!

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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