
Mean Girl Kept Bullying Her And Her Best Friend, So They Secretly Recorded Her Behavior And Sent The Videos To Everyone, Including The Police

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/Pexels/AndreaPiacquadio

Nowadays people are more aware that “you shouldn’t mess with the quiet kid.”

In this case, a woman tells us the story of when a bully kept bothering her and her best friend, and how they orchestrated a huge payback that rippled into her adulthood.

That’ll teach her to be nice.

Let’s read the story.

The ultimate revenge against a bully.

When I was fifteen or so, a girl, Georgia, started picking on a friend and me.

It started out with taunting, teasing, and insults, but when we failed to react, it escalated.

She eventually resorted to punching us, kicking us, slapping us, slamming our heads down on desks every time she walked past us in lessons.

She jabbed us with sharpened pencils from behind, and once or twice she even got her posse to help out with a beating or two.

Oh my, this sounds like a nightmare!

We were shy girls, who often attracted bullies because we were introverted and could come across as aloof because socialising wasn’t our strong suit.

My friend and I usually had lessons apart from each other, so when Georgia went for us we were usually separated, and she wouldn’t take us on together, even though we never fought back.

However, one day, my friend had enough, and said that she’d be leaving school before the next term.

She said she couldn’t take it anymore and wanted to leave.

I was really upset by this, because, with my best friend leaving, being left alone with my bully, and teenage angst all adding up, I ended up with depression.

But surely, something had to be done before she left.

My friend confirmed not long after that that her parents had agreed, and she would be leaving.

But, she said, she had a plan to “go out with a bang”.

Now, this was the time before iPhones and smartphones (just), but we both had laptops with webcams.

Our plan began with taking our laptops everywhere we went, and always having our laptops on, and always having our webcams on.

We even painted over the little lights that show the webcam is working, so that Georgia would never know.

We started using our laptops at all times.

We got special permission to use them in lessons, me by claiming carpal tunnel syndrome (which was a lie) and her by saying she wrote too slowly (which was true).

Every time we went to a lesson, we were recording on our computers, and sure enough, we got the footage of Georgia’s abuse.

If she saw it she would probably see how uncool it is to behave this way.

We got a friend to splice the videos together in a sort of compilation video, to blur our faces, but not Georgia’s, and to burn the final cut onto a disc for us.

The final video started out with Georgia walking past me and slamming my face down onto the desk.

It then cut to her calling me a “worthless idiot”, and then again to her spraying ink on my friend’s uniform.

Then it showed a variety of slaps, punches, and headlocks, before switching to a close-up of her with her arm around my friend, speaking very quietly about how she was going to “wait until the bell rang and then beat her up”.

Where are the adults?!

The video was just under fifteen minutes long, and displayed everything she did, except for the beatings that sometimes happened outside of lessons.

So, the day my friend left, we hugged and promised to keep in contact.

We then nodded to one another as she got into her mum’s car and was driven off.

That night, Georgia’s mother got a CD in the post.

As did our headmaster.

As did the police.

They all watched it, though it took the police longer to get to it.

They went all out!

Georgia was suspended, but once the video magically made its way to every member of the parents’ association, she was expelled.

She applied to other schools, but they had seen the video too.

In the end, she was sent abroad to finish her education.

You may ask how we know all this.

Well, not long after coming up with the plan, my friend and I made a fake Facebook profile and added Georgia.

She accepted it and forgot about it.

She was one of those people, even when Facebook was fairly new, who posted about everything that happened to her.

A huge mistake.

So a post that said “Georgia is seriously upset about being shipped off to [insert foreign school name here]” was enough for us to send them a copy of the video too.

Of course, she knew it was us, but since she was sent off to another country, she couldn’t exactly do anything about it.

Occasionally I check out her Facebook, and she is not doing well as an adult.

Maybe she shouldn’t have pushed two nice girls too far.

Being nice to quiet kids is just safer. And it’s not that hard.

Let’s see what Reddit has to say about this.

A reader compliments the feat.

Now the bully will have to go to therapy, and not them.

Another commenter chimes in.

Someone makes an observation.


Don’t mess with the quiet kids.

Actually, just don’t be a jerk to anyone.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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