
She Agreed To Babysit Her Brother’s Kids During Their Family Vacation, But She Refused When His Friends Tried To Use Her As A Babysitter Too

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/cottonbro studio

Babysitting for family and getting paid for it is a lot different than babysitting for friends of your family for free.

That’s the situation in today’s story, where one cool aunt agrees to babysit for her niblings, but then her brother’s friends try to use her as a free babysitter, too.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

AITA For Not Also Babysitting My Brother’s Friend’s Kids While On Vacation?

I(F21) recently went on vacation with my brother(M34), his family, friends and a few of their siblings.

A lot of us grew up together so vacations like this weren’t uncommon but this is the first one where everyone’s kids were also coming along.

My brother offered to pay for my whole vacation rather than the half he usually paid if I was willing to help with the kids(M7 & F4) for a day or 2 so he and his wife, Rose, could get some alone time.

I agreed since they’re good kids and I help out anytime I’m in the vicinity anyways as it’s not uncommon for our culture.

One of the friends tried to use her as an overnight babysitter.

On the first night’s dinner, one of my brother’s friend’s girlfriends, Ally, made an offhand comment about my brother having a vacation nanny while she was fussing with her kid.

I was talking to Rose about their plans tomorrow when she mentioned the kids just staying the night in my room so that they didn’t have to wake us up early to leave for their appointment.

I agreed since I was watching them tonight anyways.

I assume the problem started there since Ally showed up at my door after dinner trying to drop her kid off.

I was fine with it until she told him she would be seeing him tomorrow.

She shared the conversation she had with Ally.

The conversation after went like this:

Me: I don’t mind him being here for a few hours but he can’t spend the night.

Her: But they’re spending the night?

Me: Yes.

Her: So why can’t he?

Me: Well there’s no room for him and they’re my brother’s kids and are used to spending the night with me.

Some of the other parents are on Ally’s side.

We went back and forth a few times. Eventually I just refused overall and apologized to the kid.

I’ve been told a few stories and Ally is the type to just leave her kid anyways, regardless of the conversation, and I didn’t feel like tracking her down later.

While we were at the pool a few days later, I took the kids to the resort cafe for ice cream and offered to take the other kids.

A few of the parents said no, and some of them gave me a weird look, so I asked my friend about it.

Apparently at the breakfast the second day, Ally complained about what I did, and a few of them took her side.

Another friend tried to use her as a babysitter.

Later that night at dinner, a wife of my brother’s friend asked if I could watch her kid tonight so they could go somewhere.

I said no, explaining that my niece and nephew were with their parents tonight so the younger siblings were all going out.

She mentioned that since I was willing to take them earlier for ice cream and since they said no, I “owe” them, said “it’s not that big of a deal” and I “can go tomorrow instead.”

I just said “Sorry, I can’t.” and left it there.

Her brother finally explained why she was babysitting for him.

There were similar situations, and eventually my brother stepped in to say that he paid for my vacation which is why I took a few days to help him and that they could chip in if they wanted my help.

I talked to my mom and a few of my friends, and they pointed out that my brother actually got to enjoy his vacation unlike the others, and I could’ve taken or offered to take the other kids when I was watching my Niece and Nephew.

I think her brother should’ve spoken up sooner.

She wasn’t there to babysit everyone’s kids, just her niece and nephew.

Let’s see how Reddit responded…

This reader called the brother’s friends “freeloaders.”

Another reader points out that the other parents could’ve found other babysitting solutions.

This person points out that she was on vacation too.

Another person points out that the other parents didn’t expect childcare.

This reader is glad her brother stood up for her.

Next time the friends should bring their own babysitter.

That’s just common sense.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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