
She Had To Reinforce Boundaries With Her Inlaws Over Text, But Her Mother-In-Law Can’t Accept That

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Setting boundaries isn’t the easiest thing to do, but when it comes to the safety of ourself and our kids, we have to do it.

This woman has been clear about what she and her husband will and will not allow their daughter to do, but her inlaws keep pushing back.

She thought a quick text reinforcing them was in order, but it didn’t go over well.

Check out the details.

AITA for re-setting boundaries through a mass text?

I sent a mass group text to my fiancés family about overstepping our boundaries with our 18mo daughter.

For context, this has been an ongoing issue for months.

Everyone on his side of the family wants alone time with her at their homes, but we’re not comfortable with that until she can speak.

This is the text I sent.

To the point and polite…right?

“Hello everyone, I would just like to address a reoccurring issue as of recent.

I would like to remind everyone that NO ONE has been given the option to watch (Daughter) at any house, event, or in any environment other than the comfort of her home.

This has been something that we have made everyone aware of, but we somehow continue to run into this issue.

So, just so everyone is on the same page. (Daughter) is not staying at anyone’s home without us present unless we say otherwise.

(Daughter) is not going to any event without us present unless we say otherwise.

We ask that you respect our choices as her parents, and not question or pressure us to reconsider a firm boundary we have set for our daughter.

I’m sending this with as much love and compassion as possible, please respect our wishes. Have a great weekend!”

Not according to the mother-in-law!

I really expected everyone to agree and move on, but of course my MIL couldn’t have that. She responded with a very long message claiming that she’s had enough of me.

This is the first time I’ve ever commented on something they’ve done to upset me, I’m normally pretty easy going.

She commented on how I was the reason she doesn’t have a good relationship with her granddaughter, and that everyone has to “walk on eggshells” around me out of fear of never seeing my daughter.

There’s so much more to this story, but there’s a character limit.

Was my message rude or indicate that I didn’t want them around my daughter?

I don’t see how she could have been any kinder.

Let’s see if Reddit reinforces her belief.

It’s very simple.

Stereotypes exist for a reason.

Her husband needs to step up.

Main character syndrome.

Some people thought she should have talked to folks one-on-one.

Parenting isn’t for the weak.

But her kid, her rules.

If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.

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