
She Schemed With A Police Officer And Tow Truck Driver To Bust The Neighbors, And She Loves The Way It Worked Out

Source: Reddit/Pro Revenge/pixabay/Utility_Inc

Living next to neighbors who break the law by parking illegally and throwing loud parties can be very frustrating, but it also means the law is on your side.

In today’s story, one family shares how they got the ultimate revenge on the neighbors with the help of a tow truck driver and police officer.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

Illegally park and block driveways in our neighborhood and do it consistently, while throwing a party, expect what’s coming.

Two years ago a new family moved into our quiet little neighborhood and began their reign of terror.

We’ve lived here for over twenty years in this neighborhood and except for these past two years, it’s been wonderful. I love our neighbors.

Except this family. This just family sucks.

She lists just a few reasons the neighbors are horrible.

I’m not even sure where to begin.

They are loud, they are dirty, they are obnoxious, their dog barks at all hours, they constantly yell at each other, they throw parties well into the night.

They steal my older neighbors paper — they actually trained their rottweiler to fetch the neighbor’s paper, impressive but wrong.

They throw their dog’s poo into other yards. Argh, so much… They even cut my 80 something year old neighbor’s prized roses for themselves. Who does that?

The neighbors have tried to talk to the neighbors about the problems.

There are about a hundred issues I could write about in how we’ve all dealt with them but this past weekend was my own glorious take on it all.

Oh, and yes, we tried talking to them, we tried inviting them over, we’ve done nice things for them, and all we’ve expected is that they act like decent neighbors.

That’s never happened.

Parking is a problem.

In our neighborhood parking is scarce. Most of these homes are classic 1950’s with single lane driveways and parking is limited even on the streets.

There’s a busy road a few blocks away that has a great nightlife and popular restaurants which means that at times, especially on the weekends, the street can fill up.

This family has four drivers and five vehicles with only enough space for two in their driveway at a time.

The neighbors make the parking problems even worse.

Constantly they would park and leave their vehicles for days, and sometimes weeks, in front of other’s homes – sometimes leaving their driveway empty for no reason with all of their cars parked on the road.

I kind of believe that, in itself, isn’t that big of a deal except for how and when they would do it.

They were intentional about it all would do so to try to and cause the most grief with everyone. And this went on for months. A complete f*** you to everyone.

She explains some of the deliberate parking issues the neighbors caused.

After months of this, and no one retaliating or giving them the satisfaction of how mad we all are, they started parking deliberately in ways to make it difficult to get out of our driveways.

I had to have my husband come out most mornings to guide me so I wouldn’t hit their car as I backed out of my own driveway.

There were also times where they squeezed my neighbor’s car on the street to where they couldn’t get out.

One neighbor went to the police.

Finally an older retired neighbor goes down to city/police station and inquires about what to do.

They found a code or law stating that so much space from the sides of driveways and yadda-yadda-yadda is required.

So we come home one night to freshly painted yellow curbs outlining every house surrounding this one.

A tow truck driver offered some advice.

A few weeks ago, my husband’s car breaks down and he has to get towed.

On his way back he starts talking with the tow truck driver about these neighbors and their cars.

He tells my husband that if these cars are parking illegally, we should call the non-emergency line and if they receive a ticket, to call him and he can tow them at owner’s expense. “It’s the law.”

My husband and him keep talking and even meet up for a beer a few nights later — they are big fans of the Blazers! Rip City! He’s a real good guy.

A police officer lives in the neighborhood.

About a month ago we met a couple in our fair city and it just so happens that the husband is an officer.

We were already planning on meeting that Friday night and when we met I brought up the neighbors and their parking.

He says that he’ll drive through on his shift if he gets time and if he sees them parked in the yellow, he has no problem ticketing them.


The police officer gave out tickets.

He also gets some of his friends to check it out when they have time too.


We’ve been calling almost daily at this point about their cars parked illegally but nothing was happening.

That Saturday night he sends me a text saying he ticketed three cars. I missed that text so no tow-truck but I kind of figured with the three tickets they’d get the idea.

They didn’t. Off and on all week it was the same.

The neighbors threw a party.

This past Saturday the teenage son throws a party and everyone, I mean every single one of their guests and them, parked in the yellow of someone’s driveway or blocked someone out altogether.

Obviously the little s*** told all of his friends to block our driveways or block our cars in.

I sent a text to our officer friend who told me to call the non-emergency line and he’d be the one to look into it.

But I’m scheming bigger.

She schemes with the tow truck driver and the police officer.

I call up the tow truck driver and tell him that there are at least fifteen cars parked illegally and all are about to receive parking tickets for blocking driveways and cars.

I let him know we are friends with an officer and he and I scheme a little further.

We get a solid plan.

I call our officer friend back and tell him our plan and I also mention that the party is likely going to be filled with underage drinkers.

Now, I hate busting parties but I make exceptions for little s**** and especially little underage drinking and driving s****. He and I finalize the plan.

Everyone was ready to put the plan into action.

Here’s how it all went down.

Officer and three of his partners go through the neighborhood citing all of the cars. Meanwhile, our tow truck driver friend has assembled a group of drivers in the nearby grocery store parking lot.

My husband and I make anonymous call about a possible underage party.

The tow truck drivers start at the ends our street grabbing the cars as quickly as possible. A few alarms here and there but no way could they hear it in the party.

She knew the underage kids inside had a difficult choice to make.

When they approach the house, my husband makes an anonymous call about an underage party in our neighborhood.

Conveniently, our officer friend just so happens to still be in the neighborhood so he and his partner go over to the house to check on it.

As they knock on the door, lights go out, music shuts off, and the house goes quiet.

At this moment, the tow trucks come in and are now towing the remaining five cars right from in front of their home.

I just wish I could see the kid’s faces inside as they are all having a dilemma about what to do.

Do they go out and bust themselves for underage drinking and try to stop their cars from being towed, or do they just sit and bite the bullet and watch $250+ go down the drain.

She considers the outcome “a win.”

On Sunday they had three cars return from being towed and all three are parked just shy of the yellow lines.

I’ll call this a win.

My husband and a couple of neighbors also spent Sunday putting up some new cameras.

They were all very giddy and loud about it all – something about “all the lights and police on Saturday made them nervous”. LOL!

Having a tow truck driver and a police officer scheme with you is definitely pro revenge!

Let’s see how Reddit reacted…

This reader thinks the tow truck drivers had a great night!

Another reader thinks they deserves a gift.

Apparently, some neighborhoods handle situations like this differently.

This reader was hoping someone would get arrested.

Another reader thinks they waited too long to install cameras.

Hopefully the neighbors really did learn their lesson.

I’m always a little bit doubtful, though.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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